Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Sapporo, Giappone, 21 agosto 2016

O God our Heavenly Father, we come unto Thee in prayer to dedicate the Sapporo Japan Temple. We thank Thee for Thy Beloved Son and His infinite Atonement. We thank Thee for Thy Prophet Joseph Smith and the restoration of the gospel. We are grateful, Father, for a living prophet today, President Thomas S. Monson. We love him and pray for him and his counselors.

We thank Thee for Thy faithful children throughout the world who pay their tithes and offerings. We thank Thee for Thy blessings to this nation of Japan and its people. Wilt Thou bless the leaders and citizens of this land, that harmony and courtesy may be preserved in their culture. Please bless Thy children here to keep Thy commandments and prosper in this land.

We pray for the youth of this nation. Our youth are the hope of Israel—children of this promised day.

We thank Thee for this beautiful temple. We are grateful for the artisans, craftsmen, and laborers who have built it. Here Thy children can serve their beloved ancestors who have waited long for their own temple blessings.

Now as an apostle of the Lord, with the authority of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood, I hereby dedicate this Sapporo Japan Temple as Thy holy house. Here sacred ordinances of salvation and exaltation will be performed by proper authority.

I dedicate the baptismal font, the initiatory, endowment, sealing, and celestial rooms for Thy eternal purposes. I dedicate this house for the blessing of individuals and families on both sides of the veil.

I dedicate and consecrate this temple from its footings to the majestic figure of the angel Moroni that crowns its highest point. I dedicate all mechanical, electrical, and other equipment that will allow this temple to function well. I dedicate the beautiful grounds and plantings that lend beauty to this temple.

Father we pray that Thou wilt protect this sacred edifice from earthquakes and other disasters. Bless the land on which it stands. Protect this temple from any evil intent to damage it. Protect it from any influence that might disrupt the sacred work of this temple.

Please bless each president and his counselors, each matron and her assistants. Bless all who will be called to serve in this temple. May they and their families be strengthened and enabled to perform the sacred work of this temple.

Holy Father, we express our great love for Thee and Thy Son. As we dedicate this temple, we rededicate our lives to Thee and Thy holy cause. This temple stands as a symbol of our testimony that Thou art our God and that Jesus is the Christ whom Thou hast sent. We love Thee and so dedicate this Sapporo Japan Temple, in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.