undefined undefined Templo de Seúl, Corea, Oración dedicatoria

Oración dedicatoria

Templo de Seúl, Corea, 14 de diciembre de 1985

O God our Eternal Father, Almighty Creator of heaven and earth, and Father of the inhabitants of all nations, we thank Thee for this day of dedication. We bow our heads before Thee in Thy holy house in reverent supplication. We come with love for Thee and Thy Son. We come in His holy name, even the name of the Redeemer of the world.

Our hearts are filled with gratitude for this long awaited day. This is the first such house of the Lord ever constructed on the mainland of Asia, this vast continent where dwell more than a billion of Thy sons and daughters, and where through the generations of the past have lived unnumbered hosts whose lives have not been touched by the saving principles of the gospel.

The seeds of Thy work were planted in Korea only a third of a century ago, when, amidst the thunders of war, a few of Thy faithful sons in military service exemplified the teachings of the gospel in their lives and shared them with a few of those they met. Then thou didst touch the heart of a great and good scholar and leader, Kim Ho Jik, while he was studying in the United States. When he returned to his native land, having experienced the inspiration of the Book of Mormon, and having received a testimony of the prophetic call of Joseph Smith, he shared with others the beauty of his newly found treasure. Missionaries were invited to Korea, and here they taught with faith and inspiration, finding one soul here, another there.

From those times of small beginnings and serious privation Thy work has moved forward, its numbers have increased many fold, and it has prospered under Thy benevolent hand. Stakes of Zion have been established, and Thy Church, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has become firmly rooted in the soil of this beautiful land, and become the spiritual home of many thousands of good people in Korea.

Thou hast smiled with favor upon Thy work here. The government of this nation has been hospitable to Thy servants. Now, crowning all, is this beautiful edifice in which we meet and which we dedicate to Thee.

We praise Thee, O God, for what has come to pass. We thank Thee for the expressions of Thy mighty power. We bless Thy name now and forever more.

As Thy servants, duly ordained and acting in the authority of the holy priesthood, and under delegation of responsibility from Thy chosen prophet, Ezra Taft Benson, we dedicate this, the Seoul Korea Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We dedicate it unto Thee, our Father and our God, and unto Thy Beloved Son, the Savior of all mankind. We dedicate it as Thy holy house, and pray that thou, according to Thy will, might visit it and sanctify it with Thy holy presence.

We dedicate the building from the footings and foundation to the top of the tallest spire, including the figure of Moroni, the angel who brought another testament of the eternal gospel to be declared to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. We dedicate all of its parts, facilities and furnishings, including the sacred altars at which eternal promises will be made. We dedicate the grounds, with all of their beauty, as an appropriate setting for this holy edifice.

May this, Thy house, be preserved from the effects of storm and tempest, from the tremblings of the earth, from the desecration of enemies, from the destructive forces of war and civil strife.

May it ever be a house of peace, and a sanctuary from the noise and evil of the world. May the adversary of truth be barred from its portals, and may all who come here do so with clean hands and pure hearts, worthy to stand before Thee as Thy covenant children.

May their numbers constantly increase, and may their faith strengthen. Wilt thou encircle Thy strong protecting arm about them. May there be peace, love, and harmony in their homes. May their children grow in faith and loyalty to Thee.

May this be a house of sacred ordinances performed in the authority of the everlasting priesthood. May understanding of Thy divine purposes grow in the minds of all who are here instructed. May the covenants they make with Thee be engraven upon their hearts and the light of eternal truth be reflected from their countenances. May each come to recognize, in a new and remarkable way, not only the blessings that come of living the gospel in mortality, but of a continuation of these blessings in life beyond the veil of death. May the young men and the young women, imbued with faith and testimony, here at these altars be joined in everlasting bonds of matrimony. May the covenants they here make one with another motivate them with a growing spirit of mutual appreciation and respect, husbands for wives and wives for husbands. May the understanding of eternal truth here received bring to them the knowledge that their children are also Thy children to be reared in love and nurtured in truth. May the children grow in faith and devotion to Thee that Thy work may become ever stronger in this and other nations of Asia.

Dear Father, bless this land and its people. May this nation remain free from bondage and servitude. Free the faithful saints from oppression and poverty. Bless them for their industry. May they be prospered as, in obedience to Thy divine law, they present unto Thee their tithes and offerings. Open the windows of heaven, and shower down blessings upon them.

Go before Thy faithful sons and daughters who serve as missionaries. Be on their right hand and on their left. Lead them to the honest in heart, and protect them from evil. Touch the minds of many by the enlightening power of the Spirit of Christ that they may hearken to the message of restored truths and be received into the fold of Thy work.

Wilt thou smile upon the people of other nations of Asia. May they open their doors to Thy servants as has this nation of the Republic of Korea, that their people may also receive and be blessed by the truths of the everlasting gospel.

"We thank Thee, O God, for a prophet." We have seen in recent days, with the passing of a great and good leader, the calling of another who has been prepared over a period of many years for the heavy responsibility that has fallen upon him. We have seen the quiet and wonderful transition of authority from one leader to another. We thank Thee for Thy servant, President Benson, and invoke Thy blessings upon him that he may find favor in Thy sight, that he may have strength and vitality to advance Thy work, and that he may be loved and honored by Thy people throughout the earth.

May all who are assembled in these dedicatory services be quick to heed the word of the Lord and follow the counsel of Thy divinely appointed servants. Bless them each one in his or her responsibility. Bless in a special way those who preside over the work in South Korea that they may act always with a Christ-like quality of love in their administrative undertakings.

Now Father, Thou art the great Elohim to whom we pray. Wilt thou accept our thanks, and hear our pleas in behalf of Thy faithful saints. May Thy work grow and multiply in this land. May its influence for good be magnified wherever it is organized. May virtue mark the lives of the Latter-day Saints. Wilt thou temper the elements and direct the environment in which they live for their blessing and happiness. Rebuke by Thy power those who fight against Zion.

Beloved Father in Heaven, hear our prayer and grant us Thy blessings. Touch the heart of each that on this day there may be determination to walk more faithfully before Thee, with service to others as becomes those who have taken upon themselves the name of Christ.

We thus pray, pledging anew our faith and service to Thee in the name of our Redeemer, Thine Only Begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.