Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Messico, 12 marzo 2000

Our Beloved Father in Heaven, Thou great Elohim, Thou who art the governor of the universe, and the Father of mankind, we approach Thee in prayer on this historic day. We are gathered together to celebrate the completion of this beautiful temple, this sacred House of the Lord.

In the authority of the holy priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ, Thy Beloved Son, we dedicate unto Thee and unto Him, this the Tuxtla Gutiérrez México Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

It stands as a place of great beauty in this city. Wilt Thou accept of it and bestow the presence of Thy Holy Spirit for the blessing of all who shall enter this holy structure.

We dedicate the building with its surrounding grounds. We dedicate the structure from the footings to the top of the tallest steeple crowned by the figure of Moroni. We dedicate the rooms and halls, the baptistry, the facilities for the administration of the endowment ordinance, the sealing rooms with their sacred altars all unto Thee, that Thy divine purposes in behalf of Thy children may be accomplished.

May we use it for that for which it has been created. May it be a hallowed structure, a place of sacred ordinances, the House of the Lord to which we may come as Thy latter-day Saints.

May it now be reserved for those who are found worthy before Thee to enter its portals. May it never be desecrated or defiled in any way. May it be preserved against the elements of nature. May no unauthorized individual enter the doors of this Thy house.

We invoke Thy blessings upon the faithful men and women who will serve here, and in a particular way upon the president of the temple and his counselors and the matron and her assistants. Bless them that they may rejoice in the great opportunity to serve Thy people. Save them from weariness as they labor in this Thy sacred edifice. Bless all who shall labor here that they may do so in the true spirit of the Master whom they serve. That which will occur here is all part of a divine plan of happiness which Thou hast outlined for Thy sons and daughters of all generations. The fulness of the priesthood will be exercised here. This will be a house of instruction, a house of covenants, a house of ordinances. May those who receive these ordinances remember them always and live worthy of the covenants they make with Thee, dear Father.

We pray that the faithful Saints of this temple district may look to this hallowed structure, may come here frequently, and may taste of the sweet things which are here offered.

We invoke Thy blessings upon this nation of Mexico where so many of the sons and daughters of Father Lehi dwell. Bless these Thy children. Lift them out of the depths of poverty. Bring new light and understanding into their minds. Cause them to rejoice at Thy watchcare over them. May there be food upon their tables and clothing on their backs, shelters over their heads, and all that which their hearts can desire in righteousness. As they pay their tithes and offerings, open the windows of heaven and shower blessings upon them according to thine ancient promise spoken by Malachi.

We pray for Thy servants, the missionaries, wherever they are called to labor, that they may be kept from harm and evil, and that they may be led to those who will accept their message.

Father, as Thy sons and daughters assembled in this Thy holy house, we look to Thee with love as we do to Thy Son. We pray that we may always remember the covenants we have made with Thee. We pray that we may grow in Thy favor, and partake of Thy divine spirit. We ask it all humbly and gratefully in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.