Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 31 ottobre 2021

Holy Father in Heaven, in the sacred and holy name of Thy Son Jesus Christ, at the invitation of our dear prophet President Russell M. Nelson, we come to dedicate the Winnipeg Manitoba Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Father, we love Thee and Thy Son. We are grateful for the great plan of happiness, salvation, and redemption, with its divine purpose of bringing to pass the immortality and eternal life of Thy sons and daughters by and through the Atonement of Thy Son our Savior.

We thank Thee that, in these latter days, Thou and Thy Son didst come to the young Prophet Joseph Smith in a glorious vision that opened this dispensation of the fulness of times. We thank Thee that, as part of the continuing restoration with all things gathered as one in Jesus Christ, John the Baptist; Peter, James, and John; and Moses, Elias, and Elijah, restored priesthood keys and that, under the authority of those keys held by President Russell M. Nelson and those to whom he delegates them, including in this Holy House, sacred ordinances and covenants make it possible for individuals to return to Thy presence and for families to be united eternally.

Holy Father, we thank Thee for a living prophet —even President Russell M. Nelson. We humbly petition that Thou willst accept, in Thy time and way, this temple built and dedicated to Thee through the living prophet in holiness to the Lord. Heavenly Father, in the sacred name of Jesus Christ and in the authority of the Holy Apostleship, I dedicate this Winnipeg Manitoba Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, to Thee and Thy Son.

We dedicate the physical temple from its foundations to the top of its spire, the smooth operation of its mechanical systems and parts, the grounds that they may be a place of peace and serenity. We dedicate the baptistry, the instruction and ordinance rooms, the offices, and every area in this temple that each may fulfill its dedicated purpose each day. We express gratitude for all who have labored and sacrificed to make this beautiful temple possible.

Father in Heaven, we pray for each and all who will serve in this Winnipeg Manitoba House of the Lord – presidents and presidencies, matrons and assistants to the matron, sealers and ordinance workers, volunteers, and especially patrons who will come to receive for themselves and to offer as saviors on Mount Zion holy temple ordinances so Israel can be gathered on both sides of the veil.

Dear Father, please protect this Thy House from the elements and from any unhallowed design or impurity. Please let the light of Thy House be a beacon of faith and hope, a promise of Thy love, comfort, and truth. Please let this temple be a welcoming invitation to all to come to Thee in faith and obedience to Thy commandments, given in divine love to bless Thy children in time and eternity.

Dear Father, please smile on those who come to this House of the Lord. We gratefully acknowledge the pioneer spirit, consecrated sacrifice, and heritage of gospel living and service of generations past and present offered in hearts, homes, and communities here. We recognize this place in Thy vineyard includes Thy precious children from many nations, kindreds, and tongues.

Now, in this and coming generations, please bless our youth, missionaries, new converts, stalwart multi-generational families, each brother and sister who comes to receive for themselves and others the blessings of covenants through sacred ordinances. Please, Father, in coming years as many offer countless hours of unselfish service and worship here, may Thy Spirit give approbation and acceptance of our efforts and sacrifices.

Dear Father, please bless those who come seeking inspiration and direction, peace and comfort, sometimes at tender times in our lives. Please let this Holy Temple be a special place where we may receive faith, uplift, and determination, in the joys and vicissitudes of our mortal journeys.

Holy Father, in dedicating this Holy Temple, we also re-dedicate ourselves to living Thy Son’s restored gospel each day with faith, obedience, and joy. We express our faith and devotion, our commitment to come with pure hearts and clean hands, and our gratitude for the invitation to come home to Thee and Thy Son.

Holy Father, as we joyfully shout hosanna to Thee and Thy Son, we pray Thou willst hear our voices and accept this dedicatory prayer, our faith and devotion, our love and gratitude, for this the Winnipeg Manitoba Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

In the sacred and holy name of Thy Son, Jesus Christ, amen.