Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Aba, Nigeria, 7 agosto 2005

Almighty Father, to whom we bow with reverence and love, hear our prayer of dedication on this historic day. We are gathered together in a solemn assembly. Our hearts are filled with thanksgiving for this day when Thy holy house is completed.

No effort has been spared in erecting this sacred and singular house of the Lord, and in erecting the nearby stake center and other buildings.

We thank Thee for all that has gone before to make this day possible. We thank Thee for Thine ordained Prophet, Joseph Smith, who called upon Thee in prayer, and for Thine appearance, and the appearance of Thy Beloved Son and for the coming forth of Thy works that followed — the translation and publication of the Book of Mormon, the restoration of the priesthood under the hands of those who held it anciently, the keys brought by Moses, Elias, and Elijah.

We thank Thee for the faith of Thy people through all of the many years since the Church was organized. At one time, they were driven and pursued, persecuted and murdered. Their love for the eternal gospel was stronger than their love of life. We thank Thee for this time when Thy Church is increasingly admired and respected.

We thank Thee for the revelation under which the priesthood has been made available to all worthy men, regardless of where they might live or any circumstances of their lives.

Now, acting in the authority of the holy Melchizedek priesthood in us vested, and in the name of our divine Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ, we dedicate and consecrate unto Thee and Thy Beloved Son this the Aba Nigeria Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We dedicate the ground on which it stands with its vegetation which gives beauty and harmony to this and surrounding structures. We dedicate this magnificent temple itself, with all its parts, fixtures and appurtenances. We dedicate the footings, the foundation, and every part of the superstructure. We dedicate the walls, windows and doors, the roof, and the steeple with the shining figure of Moroni.

We dedicate all of the interior features, the baptistry, the various rooms and facilities for instruction and the administration of sacred ordinances, the magnificent celestial room, and the sealing rooms with their sacred altars. We dedicate the offices, halls, and other facilities that all may accommodate the needs of those who will here serve.

We pray, O God our Eternal Father, that Thou wilt accept this holy house as the gift of Thy faithful Saints throughout the world, whose tithes and offerings have made it possible. It stands resplendent in beauty and strength, a symbol to all of the eternal nature of man. Wilt Thou deign to visit it and glorify it with Thy presence. Cause that Thy Holy Spirit may dwell here at all times, that it may be sacred unto Thy people and magnificent in its purpose and design.

May all who look upon it do so with reverence and respect. May no unhallowed hand vandalize it in any way. May it always be sacred to those who are eligible to come within its walls. Save it from storm and tempest. We pray likewise for the associated structures, that all may stand together to serve Thy purposes.

In the spread of Thy work over the earth, we have in this good land and in other nations of Africa, strong stakes of Zion with disciples of great faith, obedient to Thee, and with a desire to carry eternal truth to many more.

Bless this nation that it may rise in strength and freedom among the nations of Africa. Bless its leaders that they may look with favor upon Thy Saints and safeguard their rights, property, and privileges.

Bless Thy faithful people and keep them from disease and pestilence, from poverty and want, from conflict of any kind, and from political oppression.

Dear Father, we pray for all who shall serve here, whether as workers or patrons. May they be worthy in every way. May no unworthy individual enter these sacred portals.

We ask that Thy special blessings may rest upon the temple president and his counselors, and upon the temple matron and her assistants. Grant them strength and energy to carry forward their arduous responsibilities, and may they find unmeasured joy in this consecrated service.

We also dedicate the beautiful new stake center. May it serve Thy people well. May it be respected as a sacred house of worship. May Thine eternal truth be spoken from its pulpit. May the precious privilege of partaking of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper be here enjoyed. May the classrooms be consecrated places of learning of Thee and Thy kingdom. May the recreation hall be a place of sociality and the building of friendship.

We likewise dedicate the structure which will accommodate the housing of temple patrons, together with all other facilities of this beautiful campus designed to bless Thy people in this good land.

We pray for Thy work throughout the earth and for all engaged in Thy service. We pray for Thy servant who is here today and is old in years. Give him strength according to his needs. Bless all of the general officers of Thy kingdom wherever they may serve. Inspire and magnify them in their responsibilities.

Now, Thou Great Elohim, again we express our thanks and our love. Again, we pray for Thy blessings, those requested and those unmentioned of which we stand in need. We bear witness and testimony to all the world of Thy living reality, our Father and our God; of the living reality of Thy Beloved Son, our Lord and Redeemer; and that Thou hast restored Thy Church and kingdom in this the dispensation of the fulness of times. We so testify and pray unto Thee in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, amen.