Oración dedicatoria

Templo de Bismarck, Dakota del Norte, 19 de septiembre de 1999

Our beloved Father, Thou almighty Elohim, with reverent and thankful hearts we bow before Thee on this day of dedication. We are here to mark another great milestone in the history of Thy work in the earth. We have erected this temple unto Thee and unto Thy Beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. We are met to dedicate it as Thy house, even the House of the Lord.

Acting in the authority of the Holy Priesthood in us vested and in the name of Jesus Christ our Redeemer, we dedicate and consecrate this the Bismarck North Dakota Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

We dedicate the ground on which it stands and the structure from the footings to the steeple. We dedicate the rooms and facilities found herein, including the baptistry, the endowment rooms, the celestial room, the sealing rooms with their sacred altars.

May Thy Holy Spirit dwell here at all times and in all circumstances. Wilt Thou accept it as the offering of Thy sons and daughters who come before Thee in faith and love, with an appreciation for Thy great blessings upon us. Our hearts are filled with thanksgiving for the restored gospel of Jesus Christ including the ordinances of Thy house. We thank Thee for the Prophet Joseph Smith who was an instrument in Thy hands in bringing together all of past dispensations in this the last and final dispensation, even the dispensation of the fulness of times.

We thank Thee for the faith of Thy sons and daughters in the vast area of this temple district, men and women who love Thee and love their Redeemer, and have stood steadfast as Thy people. They have felt much alone. They are out on the frontier of the Church. Their numbers are still not large. But they are entitled to every blessing which the Church has to offer, including the ordinances here administered.

May they come here frequently. Wilt Thou bless them for their efforts and reward them for their faith. Watch over them and keep them from harm and trouble in the long distances many will still travel.

This sacred edifice has been made possible by tithe payers of the Church throughout the world. Wilt Thou pour out Thy blessings upon them and prosper them in their labors. May they not look to Thee in vain, but see fulfilled the promises made anciently to those who contribute generously and obediently to Thy work.

Bless Thy Church and kingdom. Bless all who serve therein. Touch the hearts of those who have become indifferent and careless, that they may be stirred to return to activity and participate in the blessings of this Thy house.

Stay the hand of the adversary that none shall molest or deface this building in any way. May none unworthily come within these walls. This is Thy house, and we come here as Thy guests. Bless us that we shall leave with a greater appreciation for Thee and a stronger love for Thy divine work. May this be a place of refuge from the storms of life, a quiet harbor from the stress that beats upon so many.

We pray for the temple president and the matron together with their counselors and assistants and all who labor in this Thy house. May they find joy in this consecrated service. Bless those who come as patrons that they may enter with clean hands and pure hearts and a desire to do Thy will.

Now, dear Father, hear our prayer. Accept of our thanks and our love. May we find favor in Thy sight and delight to honor and serve Thee in spirit and in truth we humbly pray in the name of our Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.