Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Boise, Idaho, USA, 25 maggio 1984

O God, our Eternal Father, Thou great everlasting Elohim, hallowed be Thy holy name. In the sacred name of Thy Beloved Son, our Savior and Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ, we come unto Thee in solemn prayer to dedicate this Thy holy house.

We lift our voices in thanksgiving for Thy marvelous blessings upon Thy people. Surely Thou hast favored us in a remarkable and wonderful way. We have been made partakers of Thine ancient covenant and become heirs to the great, eternal promises given of old. Thou hast restored Thy work and Thine authority in this the dispensation of the fulness of times. Ours is a day of prophecy fulfilled. Beginning with Thy chosen servant Joseph Smith, to whom Thou didst reveal Thyself and Thy Beloved Son, Thou hast made Thy will known to Thine appointed prophets, adding line upon line and precept upon precept.

We thank Thee for Thy prophet in this day, even Thy chosen servant Spencer W. Kimball, and unite ourselves in prayer that he may be comforted and sustained and blessed of Thee. We invoke Thy blessings upon those associated with him, and upon all who have responsibility in Thy kingdom wherever it may be established.

Bless Thy saints everywhere. Strengthen them in their faith. Look with favor upon all who walk honestly with Thee in the payment of their tithes and offerings. Open the windows of heaven and pour Thy gifts upon them.

Father, the little stone which Thou didst cut out of the mountain without hands is rolling forth to fill the earth. Guide and strengthen the messengers of truth. Touch the hearts of the leaders of nations that Thy work may move forth over the earth, ever increasing in strength and vitality, touching for everlasting good the hearts of Thy sons and daughters in many nations and principalities.

We rejoice in Thy mercy, Father. Through the power of the Holy Ghost we have been granted great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures, as Thou didst promise. Give us the strength to walk in faith. Forgive our sins and help us to live above our weaknesses. May all who attend the dedicatory services of this temple be imbued with desire and resolution to walk more closely with Thee, to keep Thy commandments and observe Thy statutes, and so to conduct themselves as to be worthy of Thy favor.

Many not of our faith have heretofore visited this building. May they reflect on their experience with reverence and appreciation. Confound the enemies of Thy work, Father. Frustrate them in their evil designs. May their efforts come to naught. Touch them by Thy Spirit that they may see the error of their ways.

We thank Thee, Almighty God, for this choice land of America in which Thou didst deign to restore Thy gospel and reveal the ordinances of this house. We thank Thee for the freedom vouchsafed under the Constitution of the United States which was written by inspired men whom Thou didst raise up unto this very purpose. Wilt Thou move with power to safeguard these freedoms and may they spread over the earth that the shackles of oppression may be lifted from Thy children.

Now, our Beloved Father, in the authority of the holy priesthood in us vested, even the authority of the priesthood after the Order of the Son of God, we dedicate unto Thee and unto Thy Beloved Son this the Boise Idaho Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, together with the ground on which it stands, with the landscaping thereon, the buildings, all the parts thereof, and all of the furnishings and facilities appertaining thereto. Wilt Thou accept this beautiful edifice as Thy house, the gift of Thy thankful children. Wilt Thou hallow it. Wilt Thou and Thy Son honor it with Thy presence, and may Thy Holy Spirit be felt here at all times by all who enter its portals.

We dedicate it for the sacred work Thou hast revealed for the blessing of Thy children, both the living and the dead. May the ordinances which will be performed herein be received with thankful and reverent hearts, and may those beyond the veil of death rejoice because of the work done here in their behalf.

Bless all who shall officiate herein, the temple presidents and their counselors, those presently serving and those who will serve in the years to come. Bless those vested with the sacred sealing authority, and all who are designated and called to serve in this hallowed edifice.

May it be a place of holiness to all who come here. May no profane act occur herein. May no unhallowed word be spoken. May Thy faithful saints of this and future generations look to this beautiful structure as a house to which they will be made welcome for their washings and anointings, for endowments and sealings, for instruction, for meditation, for worship, for the making of eternal covenants with Thee, for inspiration and sanctification, as they serve unselfishly in assisting Thee in bringing to pass Thine eternal purposes for the salvation and exaltation of Thy sons and daughters.

Thou almighty God, we reverence Thy name and the name of Thy Son. We love Thee, we worship Thee, we sing Thy praises and seek to do Thy will. On this day of dedication, we consecrate ourselves anew to Thy holy service and ask for strength to walk after Thy pattern, in the name of Thine Only Begotten, through whose sacrifice comes our salvation, even the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.