Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Boise, Idaho, USA, 14 febbraio 1987

Our Heavenly Father, Lord of Hosts, the Great I Am, we present unto thee another portion of this great holy house which has been completed and lovingly built for accommodating the work of redemption.

Father, we thank thee for the resources of the people, and the resources of the Church through the faithfulness of their tithes and contributions, for this house in all its splendor, and all its glory to be built, and to be added upon. We remember the promises at the time of the dedication of the parts which were included at that time. And now we come to this beautiful room, built according to the pattern which was given by the ancients, with the life-size oxen and the font placed upon their backs, the arrangements to facilitate the work for which it was designed, namely, the baptism by proxy for those who are not privileged to receive it on earth, our ancestors and forebears, and others who have long since passed away.

Father, we see in our minds eye the children who come to participate in this holy ordinance. We ask you to bless them, that they will come with humility of heart, and with gratitude, that they will partake of the spirit that is within this house, that it may plant within their hearts the desire to return when they receive more maturity, more years, to receive their own endowments.

We ask for thy blessing to rest upon those who administer the ordinances, and take part, and record them, mindful that that which is recorded on earth will be recorded in heaven. We pray, Heavenly Father, that thou wilt bless the supervisors who have charge of this work. We invoke thy blessing upon President Redford, President Johnson, and President Hamilton, and their gracious, devoted, wonderful wives who have the special callings as matrons and assistant matrons in this Temple.

We ask thy blessing to be upon the people of this Temple District, those in the wards and the stakes, and their leaders, that they will have the spirit of Temple work, and that the promise that the hearts of the children will turn to the, fathers, and the hearts of the fathers to the children, will be literally fulfilled, that we may come unto thee through these principles and doctrines and ordinances which shall be administered unto us.

We express appreciation for the restoration of the gospel through Joseph Smith, and the light and spiritual understanding that it gives us. We are thankful for all he has done to make this work possible. We express appreciation for all those who have succeeded him in the calling as the prophet of the earth, the president of the Church. We pray for a blessing upon our present prophet, President Ezra Taft Benson. Bless him in his years. Bless him with strength in body and mind, magnify him in every respect.

Now we do humbly dedicate this font, we dedicate all the appurtenances, all the fixtures, all of the decorations, all of the facilities which have been so lovingly and carefully put in place. We do so, expressing the gratitude of our hearts, in the holy name of Thy Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, amen.