Oración dedicatoria

Templo de Brigham City, Utah, 23 de septiembre de 2012

Almighty Father, Thou great Elohim, our God than whom there is none greater, we come before Thee in solemn and sacred prayer to dedicate this Thy holy house, the Brigham City Utah Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We do so filled with humility and awe, by the authority of "the Holy Priesthood, after the Order of the Son of God" vested in us, and in the name of Thy Beloved Son and our Savior, even Jehovah our Redeemer.

We consecrate this as Thy holy house and that of Thy Beloved Son Jesus Christ and ask Thee, Dear Father, to accept this offering built upon land which has been preserved and protected for this very purpose. It has been erected by our hands as an expression of our profound love and commitment to Thee and to Thy Divine Son. Wilt Thou be pleased to visit it and permit Thy Holy Spirit of peace and instruction to be here to bless and sanctify it for the purpose for which it has been constructed.

We dedicate the grounds upon which this beautiful temple stands that Thy earth may bring forth its great beauty upon this land to be celebrated and enjoyed by all who may feel impressed to visit. We dedicate the structure from the footings and foundation to the top of the spires that it may stand firm and remain strong against any forces of nature.

We dedicate the interior, the sacred baptistery, the endowment and sealing rooms, this wondrous and beautiful celestial room, and all other offices and features of this divine building. Wilt Thou accept it and bless it always. Keep it safe from any who may seek to deface or defile it in any way.

We honor the memory of those who came to this valley as pioneers and have raised their families to honor the order of the principles and ordinances of the gospel. When they first came, this was an untamed wilderness. Now we see the homes and the gardens and the communities which they have built.

We know that the family is a sacred institution and that in this temple a man and a woman may be sealed for time and all eternity. May those who are so sealed honor the covenants they make to find true, everlasting happiness and joy in their posterity.

We sense the presence today of Presidents Brigham Young and Lorenzo Snow and Elder Rudger Clawson, each of whom would be very interested in the dedication of this temple.

Bless those who will serve as president and matron of the temple with all who attend them. May Thy Spirit rest upon all who enter Thy house that they may feel of Thy power and acceptance of their offerings. Bless any who seek peace and understanding to find them in this place of holiness.

We invoke Thy blessings upon the stately Brigham City Tabernacle which for generations has stood as a beacon for this community.

We seek Thy favor, Father, in pouring out Thy blessings upon all those who reside in the Brigham City Utah Temple District and in the surrounding communities. Prosper them as they honor this Thy house. Strengthen their resolve to stand firm in their knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Shower down Thy blessings upon those who are faithful. Forbid the adversary from having power and influence over them. Rebuke the devourer and he who seeks to disrupt and destroy.

Bless the children and youth in a world that is increasingly unworthy. Show them a pattern of living that will keep this Thy holy people close to Thee.

We pray for people everywhere, Father. May they be a covenant-keeping people and enjoy the fruits of happiness and joy that come from righteous living.

We pray for Thy servants who are called to stand as witnesses. May they speak with power and authority from on high. Let those who hear their witness know that they speak by the power of God.

Cause Thy kingdom, Father, to roll forth. Reveal Thy will to Thy servants.

Now, Almighty Father, please accept of our thanks and let our prayers be heard before Thee as we consecrate this hallowed structure, we humbly ask in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.