Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Colonia Juárez, Chihuahua, Messico, 6 marzo 1999

O God, our Eternal Father, Thou great Elohim whom we love and worship, we come before Thee in solemn prayer.

We are assembled in Thy House to dedicate it unto Thee and to Thy Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

This is a day long looked forward to and much appreciated by Thy faithful Saints in these colonies of Mexico.

It was here in Northern Mexico, that Thou didst reveal the idea and the plan of a smaller temple, complete in every necessary detail, but suited in size to the needs and circumstances of the Church membership in this area of Thy vineyard. That revelation came of a desire and a prayer to help Thy people of these colonies who have been true and loyal during the century and more that they have lived here. They are deserving of this sacred edifice in which to labor for themselves and their forebears.

And so, acting in the authority of the Holy Priesthood in us vested and in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Master, we dedicate unto Thee, and unto Him, this the Colonia Juárez Chihuahua Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We dedicate the grounds on which it stands, with the shrubs, the flowers, the grass, all designed to make it beautiful. We dedicate the structure from the footings to the figure of Moroni atop the spire. We dedicate all of the various facilities of the temple, including the baptismal font, the fixtures for the accomplishment of the initiatory ordinances, the ordinance rooms, and the sealing room with its sacred altar. We dedicate every other facility which is a part of this sacred structure.

Wilt Thou accept of this Thy Holy House and sanctify it and bless it. Wilt Thou honor it with Thy presence and that of Thy Beloved Son. It is the House of the Lord, so described and carrying on its face the salutation, "Holiness to the Lord."

We present it unto Thee and to Thy Son as the sacred offering of Thy thankful people. We are grateful that Thou hast extended to us, Thy favored sons and daughters, the opportunity to use it in accomplishing Thy divine purposes. We recognize that we come here as Thy guests.

Our hearts are filled with gratitude, our Beloved Father, for the restoration of the gospel in this the dispensation of the fulness of times. Our hearts reach out in gratitude to the Prophet Joseph Smith, the instrument in Thy hands in bringing back to the earth "the fullness of the priesthood," the divine authority, and all of the keys pertaining to Thy holy work. This is the crowning era of all previous dispensations when Thou hast restored Thy work, never again to be taken from the earth.

May Thy Holy Spirit dwell here and touch the hearts of all who enter within these walls. Bless the Saints of this temple district that they may make themselves worthy of the incomparable blessings to be found herein. May they come frequently, dressing in spotless white, setting aside the stress of the world, here to enter into solemn covenants with Thee. May no unclean thing pass the portals of this Thy Holy House. May all who come carry in their hearts a knowledge that they are in Thy service to accomplish Thy work.

May this beautiful structure be preserved from any defacement or damage that might be wrought by evil hands. May it be kept safe from the storms and the ravages of nature. May it be a place of holiness, and may it be regarded with reverence and respect, even by those of other faiths.

We remember before Thee those who, more than a century ago, came here and established these and other communities. How hard they worked, how heavy was their labor. They established a Zion in this part of the earth. Here they built meetinghouses and schools. Here they established their homes and their farms. They made the earth yield a harvest, even as a rose growing in a desert land.

Bless Thy Saints that they may continue to live here without molestation. May they live in peace and security. May they be prospered as they cultivate their farms and pursue their vocations. May the sons and daughters of father Lehi grow in strength and in fulfillment of the ancient promises made concerning them. May there be constant peace between the cultures and may they dwell together with love and respect one for another. Bless all of Thy Saints as they live in faithfulness before Thee. Open the windows of heaven and shower down blessings upon them. Cause rain to fall upon their thirsty fields. Bless their posterity that they may go over the earth as teachers of eternal truth. "O Lord, deliver thy people from the calamity of the wicked; enable thy servants to seal up the law, and bind up the testimony, that they may be prepared against the day of burning" (D&C 109:46).

Our Beloved Father, how grateful we feel for the blessings of this special day when Thy Holy House is dedicated as "a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of glory and of God, even thy house" (D&C 109:16).

Bless this nation, under whose banners our people have lived through these many years. May the days of poverty, the seasons of revolution, the times of conflict of any kind never come again. May the officers of this nation look with favor upon Thy people.

Now Father, accept of our thanks. Accept of our love for Thee and Thy Son. Accept of our love for Thy work. We are grateful for the testimonies of the truth of this work which we carry in our hearts and by which we strive to live our daily lives. We feel so profoundly grateful and seek Thy continued blessings upon ourselves and our posterity after us.

We do it all as Thy children with honor and glory unto Thee and to Thy Son in His Holy name, even the name of Jesus Christ, amen.