Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Gilbert, Arizona, USA, 2 marzo 2014

Our Beloved Eternal Father, we bow before Thee this blessed and historic day with reverence and love. Our gratitude for the completion of this sacred and holy house fills our hearts to overflowing.

We ask that Thou wilt bless all who have made possible this magnificent temple, including architects and builders and the faithful members who have contributed their tithes and offerings.

We express gratitude for all who have participated in the preparations for this glorious day of dedication, as well as for those who made possible the successful open house event. We ask Thy blessings to attend that vast throng who walked within these sacred walls and felt stirring thoughts course through their minds and hearts. May the spirit of the temple continue with them.

This magnificent temple has come of our love for Thee and for Thy Son, that the great work of salvation may go forward, not only for the living, but also for unnumbered generations of those who have gone before us, as well as for those who will come after us.

All that takes place in this holy house will be in recognition of the immortality of the human soul. Because of the atoning sacrifice of Thy Beloved Son, the great gift of everlasting life is made available to all of mankind. Help us to live worthy of the blessings Thou hast promised those who walk in obedience to Thy commandments and who hold Thy name sacred before the world.

Father, we thank Thee for the Restoration of the gospel through Thy Prophet, Joseph Smith, bringing back to the world the knowledge of Thee and Thy Son and Thy holy purposes.

We pray that Thou wilt bless with Thy guiding influence the president of this temple and his counselors, together with their wives and all others who will assist in any capacity.

Now, our Beloved Father, acting in the authority of the Holy Priesthood and in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, we dedicate and consecrate to Thee and to Thy Son this, the Gilbert Arizona Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We present this sacred and beautiful structure as our gift and pray that Thou wilt accept it and accept our love and gratitude. May Thy Holy Spirit dwell here, and may its influence be felt by all who come within these walls.

We dedicate the ground on which this temple stands. We dedicate this beautiful structure, from the unseen footings to the majestic figure of Moroni crowning its highest point. We dedicate the baptistry and all of the rooms and facilities used in the ordinances of Thy holy house, including the sacred altars of the sealing rooms. We dedicate all ancillary facilities and the beautiful grounds with their lawns, flowers, trees and shrubs. Protect all from any devastating influence, destruction or defacement. May none unworthily breach the portals of this holy house. It is Thy House, and we recognize that it must be maintained in holiness.

May this, Thy house, be a sanctuary of serenity, a refuge from the storms of life and the noise of the world. May it be a house of quiet contemplation concerning the eternal nature of life and of Thy divine plan for us.

As we dedicate this sacred edifice, we rededicate our very lives to Thee and to Thy work.

Shield us, we pray, from selfishness and sin and provide the power that we might rise above all that is below the dignity of Thy children. We desire righteousness for ourselves and our children and our children's children.

Father, we love Thee and Thy Son. Hear our prayer. Accept our thanks. Smile with favor upon us, we pray, in the name of our Savior and Redeemer, even Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.