Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Houston, Texas, USA, 22 aprile 2018

Our beloved Father in Heaven, with deep love and reverence for Thee and Thy Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, we Thy children join together to rededicate the beautiful Houston Texas Temple, which suffered great damage as a result of flooding caused by the catastrophic Hurricane Harvey on August 25–29, 2017—exactly 17 years from the day of dedication. We pray for those whose homes, health, or employment were adversely impacted by the hurricane and floods.

We acknowledge the dedicatory prayer pronounced by Thy prophet, President Gordon B. Hinckley, on August 26–27, 2000. We petition that all of President Hinckley’s blessings on the temple and upon families and Thy work throughout the world remain in force.

We come here today to rededicate the temple under the direction of thy prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, who, in his first address as President of the Church, taught us that “the ordinances of the temple and the covenants [we] make [here] are key to strengthening [our lives], [our] marriage and family, and [our] ability to resist the attacks of the adversary.” We thank Thee for our beloved prophet.

Now, after the hurricane and the flooding, and as a result of the damage requiring extensive repairs and restoration, we rededicate the flooded basement and baptistry, the main floor, areas of the upper floor damaged by high humidity, and the temple grounds and ancillary buildings.

Additionally, we dedicate the new mechanical and electrical equipment and those new devices which will help prevent flooding in the temple should there ever be a recurrence of catastrophic flooding.

We ask Thee, Heavenly Father, for protection over Thy temple that Thy sacred work for the living and for the deceased may continue from this day forward. May Thy children come here often to make covenants and receive ordinances for themselves and for their kindred dead. Please bless all Thy children in this temple district to keep Thy commandments, preparing them for all Thy promised blessings to those who love Thee and seek Thy holy presence.

Bless all who are called to serve herein as they have been assigned, particularly the temple presidency, the matron, the assistants to the matron, and all who serve with them in administering the ordinances of this house of the Lord to Thy children with love and reverence for Thee.

Bless all who come as patrons that they will understand the significance of their own blessings and the eternal consequence of the service they render on behalf of those in the spirit world.

May Thy work on both sides of the veil progress as Thou hast revealed to Thy prophet President Joseph F. Smith in the 138th section of the Doctrine and Covenants.

Father, we remember all Thy children wherever in this world they may live—some suffering greatly for one reason or another. Give them comfort and peace, and may each one of us do what we can to serve them and to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

And now as Thy servants acting in the authority of the everlasting priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ, we consecrate and rededicate to Thee and to Thy Beloved Son this, the Houston Texas Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter­-day Saints.

May our hearts be filled with love as we pray for one another throughout the world. We rejoice today to once again have this, Thy holy house, the Houston Texas Temple, available for our blessing and the blessing of all Thy children. We acknowledge Thy hand in all things and pronounce this dedicatory blessing in the name of Thy Beloved Son, whose atoning sacrifice enables all the blessings of the temple to be efficacious in this world, as well as beyond the veil, in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.