Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Jordan River, Utah, USA, 20 maggio 2018

O God, our Eternal Father, Thou mighty Elohim, in the name of Thy Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, we come before Thee to rededicate this beautiful edifice unto Thee, our living God, and as a resting place for Thy Son.

We thank Thee for the gift of Thy Beloved Son, who came into the world so that Thy sons and daughters may return to Thy loving presence, to live in families with Thee forever.

We are grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost, who comforts, teaches, and testifies to us of Thine everlasting truth. Because of that supernal gift, we know for ourselves that Jesus Christ is our Savior, that He lived a perfect life, and that because of His Atonement, we will be resurrected and can come home safely to Thee.

We give Thee thanks that by the power of the Holy Ghost we know that Thou and Thy Beloved Son appeared to Joseph Smith. We are grateful that Thou didst send heavenly messengers to restore the priesthood and all keys ever held by Thy prophets.

And we thank Thee for pouring out Thy Spirit on the members of the Church to guide, comfort, and protect them and their children and grandchildren, over the generations.

We give Thee thanks for Thy servant President Russell M. Nelson. Bless him with health and wisdom. Continue to reveal to him Thy mind and will pertaining to the advancement of Thy work among Thy children.

As President Spencer W. Kimball prayed at the dedication of this temple: “May the First Presidency be united by the Spirit and power of God in all their labors. In every thought, word, and act, may they and all of the other General Authorities of the Church glorify Thy name, that they may work in unity and harmony, committed to the purpose of helping to prepare a people qualified and ready to receive Thy Beloved Son.”

President Kimball continued, and his prayer is ours today: “Bless the presidencies of stakes, the high councils, the bishoprics of wards, the presidencies of branches, the presidencies of the Melchizedek and Aaronic Priesthood quorums, and the presidencies and general boards of auxiliary organizations and their local officers throughout the world. Guide them that they may be equal to the responsibilities placed upon them. Keep the officers of the quorums and auxiliary organizations united, we beseech Thee. Make them one as Thou and Thy Son are one.”

President Kimball further prayed, and we now do:

“Bless Thy servants who preside over the missions of the Church, together with all of the missionaries who have gone forth to proclaim to the peoples of the earth the Restoration of the gospel and the plan of salvation. Protect them from all evil. Bless them with the gifts and powers of their ministry. Bless their families that they may be sustained in peace and comfort.

“Let Thy Spirit be poured out upon all who teach in Thy Church that they may build the faith and increase the understanding of those they instruct in the principles of the gospel.

“Frustrate the designs of the adversary against Thy people and Thy work, and may the efforts of all who fight against Zion come to naught. May Thy glorious work roll on in majesty and power to fill the whole earth.”

The dedication on that day long ago suggests that the Lord inspired a prayer that is surely for our day and the years ahead:

“We pray that Thou wilt bless the leaders of all nations, that they will have wisdom and the desire to save the world from devastating war. May they be enlightened and guided by Thy Spirit to maintain and uphold the glorious principles of human liberty for the blessing of Thy children. …

“With these and many other principles in mind we render unto Thee the thanks and gratitude of our hearts.”

Now, it is my blessing and opportunity, acting under the direction of President Russell M. Nelson, who holds all the keys of the priesthood on earth at this time, to rededicate this, the Jordan River Utah Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

We rededicate this sacred house of the Lord, now made even more beautiful and functional, to Thee, our Father, and to Thy Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. It is our prayer that Thou wilt accept our offering, which we offer in humility, reverence, and love.

We ask for Thy blessings on this temple and all who will come into it to worship and serve. May they participate with faith, and may they depart with a feeling of peace, praising Thy holy name.

We plead with Thee to protect every part of this building and its grounds from devastating influence. Protect it with Thy power. Pour out Thy Spirit upon those who come within this house, and touch the hearts of those who see it, even from a distance.

May all that is done here be done with an eye single to Thy glory and to the building of Thy kingdom. May we be filled with a desire to help Thee in Thy work to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of all Thy sons and daughters.

Father, we thank Thee, and we love Thee and Thy Son. We rededicate ourselves and our hearts as we rededicate this holy temple by the power of the holy priesthood of God. In the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.