Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Logan, Utah, USA, 13 marzo 1979

Our Father who art in heaven, thou who hast created the heavens and the earth and all things therein, thou most glorious one, we thy sons and daughters assemble in this holy house which has been renovated and refurbished.

Bless us that our sins may be remembered no more and that thou wilt graciously give to us thy rich blessings.

We thank thee, gracious Lord, that thou didst raise up thy servant, our brother, Joseph Smith, as a prophet, seer, and revelator and restorer, and the Book of Mormon, and many revelations and visions to bless us in our day and to restore to the earth thy great and glorious gospel with all its gifts, blessings, and promises.

The priesthood, with its numerous blessings, has been returned to the earth by holy angels, and for it we are deeply grateful.

We are grateful, too, our Father, that thy sons and daughters have gone to the faraway places in this world to take the gospel truths to the world, as directed by thy Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

We are also thankful that thou didst lead Brigham Young to direct the march across the plains to the high mountain valleys of the West and that he was inspired to direct great men and women to settle these valleys of the north.

We are grateful also, Heavenly Father, for all of the presidents of thy church, with their associates, who have found locations for sacred temples. We are grateful for all those sacred temples that have been built to thy name and for those which have been rebuilt and refurbished for the use of thy people.

We especially, this day, thank thee for this building which we now dedicate to thee and thy people and thy service, and we are pleased that this glorious building has been in operation for near a hundred years to satisfy the needs of thy people.

We are grateful that thy early saints did establish these monuments in the valleys of the mountains, as foretold by the prophets, and now other beautiful edifices are being planned and marked for many nations and many peoples therein.

We are grateful to thee, Holy Father, that we have been able to see this day when expanding numbers may receive their anointings and blessings in holy temples within reasonable distances of their homes.

Bless, we beseech thee, our Father, the First Presidency of thy church, and give to them thy mind and will in all matters essential for the welfare of thy people. Please give to, them heavenly vision, wisdom, judgment, and spiritual insight. Please remember, in love, the servant whom thou hast called to be prophet, seer, and revelator to all mankind, whose days have been long upon the earth. Extend unto him, we pray, a lengthened life of mortality to continue his leadership.

Confer also upon thy servants, thy beloved Apostles, a rich endowment of thy spirit and give them vision and judgment and wisdom. Magnify, also, thy numerous blessings, Holy Father, to the Patriarch, all of the Seventies of thy kingdom, the Presiding Bishopric, and all others who have responsibility in thy kingdom.

Our Father, we thank thee for the many thousands of missionaries who are dedicated to the cause of spreading the gospel to the nations of the earth. Give them wisdom, judgment, and power to take the gospel to all parts of the world in their special missions.

Our Heavenly Father, we present to thee this beautiful building with all of its effects. Bless the towers, the ceilings, the roofs and floors, partitions, stairways and doors and other openings, the lighting and heating effects, all the furniture and all which makes this a habitable, functional house in which thy precious work can be done. Please bless the records, the carpeting, and all that contributes toward the use of this structure. Bless, also, the walks and paths, and trees and plants.

Father, now we ask thee to bless the president of this temple and all those associates who will work with him in preparing this place as commodious and habitable, that all the ordinances, baptisms, confirmations, washings, anointings, sealings, endowments, and other ordinances may be properly and blessedly performed.

Please, our Father, bless all who have contributed toward this building.

Now, Holy God of our Fathers, bless all pertaining to this building and the work that shall be done here.

Bless this house and all that pertains to it, that it may make a great contribution to the work for the dead and the living.

Our Heavenly Father, please bless the youth of the Church that they may fill their missions, that they may bring their companions to the holy temple for their sealing blessings.

Bless all people, we pray, in all of the organizations of the Church.

Our kind, eternal Father, bless the poor of thy people, that they may be saved from suffering and that they may ascend to their great blessings.

Bless, we pray thee, the leadership in the developing countries of the world, and bless the new converts as they come into the Church that they may be powerful and strong.

And now, our Holy Father, we dedicate to thee and to thy cause and thy service this beautiful building, with all that pertains to it, and we pray thee, accept this house, O Lord, with all that pertains to it, and with our love and affection and blessings. In the holy name of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, amen.