Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Mérida, Messico, 8 luglio 2000

O Lord, God of Israel, Thou Great Elohim, as Thy thankful children, we come before Thee to dedicate this Thy sacred temple. We are overwhelmed with gratitude that Thou hast favored us with its presence, that we may, clothed in spotless white, come here to serve Thee and assist Thee in bringing to pass the immortality and eternal life of Thy sons and daughters.

We thank Thee that its construction has been made possible through the faith of Thy people throughout the world. They have consecrated of their tithes and offerings to make all of this possible. We express our gratitude unto them.

Now, in the name of Thy Beloved Son, the Savior of the world, and in the authority of the eternal priesthood Thou hast bestowed upon us, we dedicate and consecrate this the Mérida Yucatán México Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as Thy House, and as the House of Thy Son, our Savior.

It is our offering unto Thee, given with love and thanksgiving.

Please accept it, and let Thy divine presence be felt. May Thy Holy Spirit dwell here and touch the hearts and lives of all who enter.

May it be a house of beauty to all who look upon it. May it never be defiled or desecrated in any way. May it stand against the storms of nature. May it be a refuge from the noise of the world, a house of peace, a place of worship.

We dedicate the entire structure and all of its surroundings. We dedicate the ground on which it stands, the walls and windows and the figure of Moroni atop its tower.

We dedicate and consecrate the baptistry where a great vicarious work may be accomplished in behalf of those beyond the veil of death. We dedicate the endowment rooms, the beautiful celestial room, and the sealing rooms with the sacred altars at which families may be bonded together for all eternity. We dedicate every room and feature of this, Thy House, dear Father.

May we ever carry in our hearts a great sense of gratitude for its presence in this our land and city. May we make ourselves worthy to come to Thy House, to engage in those holy ordinances which will here be administered. May we be tireless in our efforts to bring these blessings unto ourselves and unto our families, and then go forward, standing for those who have gone beyond in extending to them the sacred ordinances of Thy divine gospel.

We thank Thee that this nation has welcomed our missionaries. We thank Thee for all who have accepted the gospel. We pray that they may remain true and faithful, worthy to come to Thy House and here take upon themselves covenants that are divine and everlasting.

We pray for the temple presidency, the matron and her assistants, and for all who will serve here. Give them strength and vitality as they seek to do Thy will. May those who are worthy to attend grow in number through the years to come.

Wilt Thou grant, "Holy Father, that all those who shall worship in this house may…grow up in thee, and receive a fulness of the Holy Ghost, and be organized according to thy laws, and be prepared to obtain every needful thing;

"And that this house may be a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of glory and of God, even thy house" (D&C 109:14-16).

Now, dear Father, please bless us as Thy committed sons and daughters.

In our daily walks, may Thy blessings rest upon us. May we be prospered in our labors. May there be food upon our tables, clothing on our backs, and a shelter over our heads. Wilt Thou smile with love upon us, and let Thy Holy Spirit guide our actions, we humbly pray.

Please accept of our love for Thee and Thy Son. Help us this day to rededicate our lives to the advancement of Thy cause and kingdom. May each of us be true and faithful to the end, that we may some day give a favorable accounting unto Thee of our labors, we humbly pray, in the name of our Lord and Master, our King and our Redeemer, even Jesus Christ, amen.