Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Città del Messico, Messico, 2 dicembre 1983

Almighty God, Thou great Elohim, in the name of Thy Beloved Son Jesus Christ, we bow before Thee in supplication and thanksgiving.

On this day of dedication our hearts turn unto Thee. Surely Thou hast favored us as Thy sons and daughters. We thank Thee for the restoration of Thine everlasting gospel with all of its gifts, powers, and authority, including the keys of the eternal priesthood to be exercised in this holy temple in behalf of both the living and those beyond the veil of death.

We thank Thee that Thou hast given us a prophet to guide us in these troubled days. We thank Thee for the love of Thy people for Thy chosen servant, Spencer W. Kimball. Bless him, keep him, sustain him by Thy power according to Thy divine wisdom. Bless all associated with him in the governance of Thy Church, and bless Thy faithful saints throughout the world. Leave us not alone. Prosper us as we walk in obedience to Thy commandments.

We pray for the poor of whom there are so many in this land. Lift them from the bonds of poverty. We pray for those who are blind to truth. Open their eyes and quicken their understanding of Thy revealed word.

Confound and frustrate the enemies of Thy work. May their evil designs be as dry chaff, scattered and blown by the whirlwind of Thy mighty power.

We thank Thee for this great nation, the Republic of Mexico. Bless those who govern, that they may be inspired to do that which will ensure peace and freedom for the people of this land, and the continued growth of Thy work.

Father, we thank Thee for the many thousands in this part of Thy vineyard whose hearts have been touched by the power of Thy Spirit and who have taken upon themselves the name of Thy Son Jesus Christ, and entered into solemn and binding covenants with Thee and with Him. Surely Thou hast brought to pass a miracle of faith for which we thank Thee. We pray that Thou wilt continue to bless in a special way those who serve as missionaries to the good people of Mexico and its neighbor nations. Lead them to those who are sensitive to the promptings of Thy Spirit. Hedge up the way of the adversary that he shall not have power to confound Thy servants. May the testimonies which they bear find lodgment in the hearts of many truth seekers.

Bless Thy saints in this great land and those from other lands who will use this temple. Most have in their veins the blood of Father Lehi. Thou hast kept Thine ancient promise. Many thousands "that walked in darkness have seen a great light."

May the harvest that we have witnessed here foreshadow greater things to come as Thy work rolls on in power and majesty in this the dispensation of the fulness of times.

Now, Father, we are here assembled to dedicate this beautiful and sacred house to Thee and to Thy Beloved Son. In the authority of the holy priesthood in us vested, this authority which is a gift from Thee, and in the name of Jesus Christ, we dedicate unto Thee and unto Him this, the Mexico City Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, with all parts and aspects of its structure, its fittings and its associated facilities.

Wilt Thou accept it as the gift of Thy thankful people, presented and dedicated unto Thee as Thy house. We pray that Thou and Thy Son may visit it according to Thy will, and that Thy Holy Spirit may always dwell here.

Father, sanctify this Thy house, bless it, preserve it. May Thy watchcare be over it always to protect it in all of its structure and facilities.

We thank Thee for all who have labored to build it. We thank Thee for those who have designed it, constructed it, decorated it, and made it ready for this day of dedication. We thank Thee for the faith of all who have contributed of their means to make it possible. Give unto each that sweet feeling that comes of consecration to Thee and Thy work. May this temple be holy to all who enter it. May they do so with cleanliness and with purity of heart. May none ever defile it, and may all who look upon it see it as a place of holiness and as the expression of a thankful people to their Creator and to their Redeemer.

May it be used frequently by an ever-growing number of thy saints in participating in the ordinances peculiar to Thy house. May they with faith act in their own behalf and in behalf of the multitudes of the dead who have gone before them. May love for Thee grow in their hearts as they do so, and may they rejoice in the great opportunity that is theirs to labor in this Thy dedicated sanctuary.

Father in Heaven, we love Thee. We love Thy Son, our Redeemer. Hear our plea on this sacred occasion, and on all other occasions when with faith we approach Thee in prayer.

Grant us peace, O Lord. Grant us strength. Give us wisdom and increased faith. Grant us inspiration and revelation in our sacred responsibilities. Grant us love in our homes and gladness in our hearts as Thy sons and daughters. Forgive our sins and remember them no more against us, and help us to forgive any who do evil unto us.

We ask it all as Thy thankful children, and we dedicate ourselves to Thy service, in the name of our Beloved Savior, Thine Only Begotten Son, even the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.