Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Città del Messico, Messico, 16 novembre 2008

Almighty God, Thou great Elohim, in the name of Thy Beloved Son Jesus Christ, we bow before Thee this sacred and blessed day with full hearts and subdued spirits.

This beautiful temple has been a haven of peace. It has been the House of the Lord to all who have entered herein and felt of its spirit and partaken of the blessings gained while serving here. We thank Thee for it and for the accomplishment of Thy divine purposes through it. It has served well.

Showing the effects of such service, it became necessary to improve it both inside and out. Now the entire structure has been renovated and renewed in an undertaking that makes it more efficient, more attractive and more convenient than ever before.

The doors of Thy house have again been opened to the public, and thousands of visitors have reverently walked within these sacred walls and have felt stirring thoughts course through their minds and hearts. May the spirit of the temple linger with them.

These doors have now closed again to all but Thy faithful Saints, so that within these walls, again hallowed and sanctified, Thy holy work may go forward.

Almost twenty-five years ago, in December of 1983, Thy servant President Gordon B. Hinckley first dedicated this sacred structure, offering thanks unto Thee for this great nation, the Republic of Mexico, and for the strength of Thy work here. We renew our gratitude for these blessings. We ask that Thou might continue to bless those who govern this nation, that they may be inspired to do that which will ensure peace and freedom for the people of this and an environment where Thy work may continue to grow.

We thank Thee for the great and universal atonement wrought by Thy Son, who came into the world to redeem mankind, that all might be saved from the bands of death and, through obedience, obtain eternal life. We thank Thee for the Prophet Joseph Smith, and for all of the gifts, powers, and keys restored through him in the opening of this great and final dispensation of the fulness of times.

We thank Thee for the sacred sealing power, so that in this temple and all Thy other holy houses, Thy faithful Saints may be endowed with power from on high and may enter into everlasting covenants.

We seek to be like Thee; we seek to pattern our lives after the life of Thy Son; we desire righteousness for ourselves and our children and our children's children. We plead with Thee to make us worthy to inherit the fulness of those blessings found only in Thy holy temples — even those blessings which grow out of a continuation of the family unit forever.

Father in Heaven, bless the temple president and his counselors, together with their wives, and all who will assist in the operation of this temple. Touch those within this temple district with Thy Holy Spirit, and stir within them a desire to use this beautiful facility in the accomplishment of Thy divine will.

Our Father, strengthen the youth who walk in a world saturated with the sophistries of Satan. Give them the courage to stand firm for truth. Bless them with a lengthened view of their eternal possibilities.

We express our gratitude for all who have participated in the preparations for this day of rededication. They have labored in a spirit of consecration, and the fruits of their labors are beautiful to behold.

Now, our Beloved Father, acting in the authority of the everlasting priesthood and in the sacred name of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, we rededicate unto Thee and unto Thy Son this, the Mexico City Mexico Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We dedicate it as a house of baptism, a house of endowment, a house of sealing, a house of righteousness, for the living and for the dead.

We humbly pray that Thou wilt accept this edifice and let Thy blessings be upon it. Let Thy spirit attend and guide all who officiate herein, that holiness will prevail in every room. May all who enter have clean hands and pure hearts. May they be built up in their faith and depart with a feeling of peace.

We dedicate the ground on which the temple stands. We dedicate this beautiful structure, from the unseen footings to the majestic figure of Moroni crowning its highest point. We dedicate the baptistry, all of the facilities for administering the sacred ordinances, the endowment rooms, the sealing rooms with their sacred altars, and the lovely celestial room, together with all ancillary facilities. We dedicate the beautiful grounds with their lawns, flowers, trees and shrubs. Protect all from any devastating influence, destruction or defacement.

We dedicate this temple as an abode for Thee and Thy Son. Let Thy glorious light ever shine upon it. Wilt Thou place Thy ratifying seal of approval upon this service of dedication and upon all we have done and shall do in this, Thy Holy House, which we now present to Thee.

May we leave Thy house this day with a renewal of faith and with an added spirit of dedication to Thy work and that of Thy Son, we pray, in the name of Thy Beloved Son, even the name of Jesus Christ, the Lord, Amen.