Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Città del Messico, Messico, 13 settembre 2015

O God, our beloved Eternal Father, in the name of Thy Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, we approach Thee in solemn prayer this sacred day with hearts filled with gratitude for the blessings that have been showered down upon us. We are met to rededicate this beautiful temple unto Thee. Acting in the authority of Thine eternal priesthood, and in the name of Jesus Christ, we rededicate this the Mexico City Mexico Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Wilt Thou accept it as the offering of Thy sons and daughters who love Thee and who seek to accomplish Thy purposes. We ask a blessing upon this beautiful temple with all of its facilities and furnishings. We dedicate the grounds with the vegetation growing thereon which add beauty to this structure. We dedicate the temple from the foundation to the figure of Moroni which crowns its steeple. We dedicate the baptistery, the initiatory ordinance facilities, the endowment rooms, the celestial room, the sealing rooms with their altars, and every other part of this sacred house.

Wilt Thou watch over it and by Thy divine power preserve it from the elements of nature and any evil hand that might be inclined to deface it or defile it in any way. We ask that no unclean thing shall enter the portals of this Thy holy house. May it be sanctified to all who come, and may there be no inclination on the part of evil men or women to violate the sanctity of this temple. We humbly pray that Thou wilt accept this edifice and let Thy blessings be upon it. This beautiful temple has been a haven in the past for all who have entered herein and who have felt of its spirit. We thank Thee for it and ask for Thy Spirit to once again dwell within its walls. We express gratitude for all who have participated in the preparations for this day and rededication. They have labored in a spirit of consecration, and the fruits of their labors are beautiful to behold.

Almost 32 years ago, in December of 1983, Thy servant President Gordon B. Hinckley first dedicated this sacred structure, offering thanks unto Thee for this great nation, the Republic of Mexico, and for the strength of Thy work here. President Thomas S. Monson asked in his prayer of rededication on November 16, 2008, for those same blessings to be extended once again. We renew once again our petition for these blessings and that the ordinances of the gospel offered herein may bless the lives of both the living and the dead.

We ask that Thou might continue to bless those who govern this nation, that they may be inspired to do that which will ensure peace and freedom for the people of this land and that the great nation of Mexico will continue to be an environment where Thy work may continue to grow. We thank Thee for the great and universal Atonement wrought by Thy Son, who came down from His place in glory at Thy side to offer His infinite sacrifice that makes it possible for us to be freed from the effects of the Fall. We pray that we may be worthy and honor our covenants made in Thy sacred temples. May we regain Thy presence when our earthly life is finished. We thank Thee for the sacred sealing power available here to seal promises of happiness and joy forever in loving families. May we search for those of our ancestors who have yet to partake of temple blessings and offer them the sacred covenants and blessings found herein.

We plead for Thy blessings of protection. Please protect us against temptation. Guard and fortify and strengthen all who come here against the forces of evil. Please strengthen the youth who are surrounded by temptations and evil. Give them the courage to stand firm for truth and righteousness. Bless them with a vision of their eternal purpose.

We seek to be like Thee and to live in perfect unity now and in the eternities. Please reward our desires to purify ourselves to serve Thy children and to build up Thy kingdom with all our hearts, might, minds, and strength. We pray that the desire we feel today to be pure will remain in our hearts and that it will increase. We ask that the influence of the Holy Ghost may be unrestrained in this sacred place. Father in Heaven, bless those who will preside here, the temple president and the matron, together with the counselors and assistants to the matron, and all who will serve here in administering the ordinances of Thy house. Stir a desire in the hearts of those within this temple district with Thy Holy Spirit to come often to the House of the Lord.

Now with grateful hearts, we rededicate and consecrate this hallowed structure and its surroundings to the accomplishment of Thy will and the fulfillment of Thine eternal work. We pray that its influence may be felt throughout the land as a light upon the hill. Father in Heaven, please look down upon us this day with favor and mercy. Please accept of our offering. In deep gratitude we offer this, the Mexico City Mexico Temple to Thee and to Thy Son, and ask for these blessings in the sacred name of Him whose redemption has blessed the human family and opened the way for Thy sons and daughters to go forward into eternity, even in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, amen.