Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Monticello, Utah, USA, 17 novembre 2002

Almighty God, God of our fathers, in the name of Thy Beloved Son, our Redeemer, we come unto Thee in prayer.

We have gathered, as Thy children, to dedicate and rededicate this hallowed house.

Four years ago we offered our prayer of thanksgiving and dedication consecrating this house unto Thee. It was then the first of a new generation of sacred temples. Great is the work which has here been accomplished. It has served Thy people in a wonderful manner. They have gathered here to do Thy holy work. They have knelt at the altars of this house and under the authority of the holy priesthood have been sealed in matrimony for time and for all eternity. Wives have been sealed to husbands, children to parents, families have been bound together under an everlasting covenant.

A great work in behalf of the dead has been carried forward. Vicarious baptisms have been performed in behalf of many thousands. Initiatory ordinances have been enacted. The endowment has been given. Covenants with Thee have been made. And again, in behalf of those beyond the veil of death, families have been bound together for all eternity. What a glorious work has been accomplished in this Thy house.

Thy faithful servants, the men of the temple presidency, have labored night and day, faithfully and well, as have the matron and assistants to the matron. Those who have worked with them have done so with a spirit of love and dedication in assisting Thy Saints who have come as patrons.

The virtue and value of these smaller temples have been demonstrated to the degree that others of a similar kind have been constructed and dedicated and are now in service throughout the world.

Because of the volume of work here accomplished it has become necessary to add to this structure, as well as to refine it in other ways. This is now complete. And today, acting in the authority of that divine priesthood which comes from Thee, we rededicate the older structure and dedicate the new additions to Thee and to Thy Beloved Son. Wilt Thou accept this holy house, the Monticello Utah Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as the gift of Thy children who love Thee and who seek to do Thy will. We reconsecrate it to Thy holy purposes. Wilt Thou accept that which has been added as Thou hast accepted and blessed the original structure.

Dear Father, bless Thy great work in all the earth. Bless Thy Church and kingdom in all of its programs and properties, in all of the areas where it is established, and open the way that it may yet spread to other nations and to other peoples.

We again pray for Thy servants who are sent forth as harvesters among the peoples of the earth. Endow them in Thy holy house, and place upon them the seal of the covenant of Thy work. May their understanding of Thy divine plan be enlarged. May an added spirit of consecration come into their hearts and motivate their lives. May they be effective servants unto Thee, and may they retain always the testimony of this work which they will declare wherever they are sent.

Open the windows of heaven and shower down blessings upon those of the communities which this temple serves. May rains come upon the thirsty land that there may be sufficient water. May their plantings be dedicated unto Thee, and may their harvests be garnered with thanksgiving.

Bless the homes of Thy people that there may be peace and love and respect for one another. Smile with favor upon them.

Grant unto the fathers and the mothers inspired wisdom that they may nurture and teach their children of Thy ways and of Thine eternal truths.

Holy Father, bless the youth of Thy Church that they may grow in righteousness, that they may shun evil, that they may come to know Thy great plan of happiness and live accordingly. May they mature in faith, may they long for learning, and may they take their places with honor as men and women of great integrity and capacity.

As we prayed at the time of the original dedication:

"We remember before Thee in a special way the sons and daughters of Father Lehi. May they rise to new levels of growth and prosperity as they embrace and follow the gospel of Thy Son. May they be magnified and enlarged in knowledge and testimony as they come to this sacred temple and receive the blessings to be had within these consecrated walls. May peace and love exist among all who live in this area."

Our Beloved Father, how grateful we are for the Prophet Joseph Smith, Thine instrument in bringing to pass the restoration of the gospel in this the dispensation of the fulness of times. How thankful we are to all who have gone before us and served Thee faithfully and diligently. How thankful we are for the strength and breadth of Thy kingdom and the progress of Thy work as it is found today among the nations. May Thy strong arm be felt against any who oppose it, and may Thy blessing attend all who assist in its spread.

Bless the leaders of Thy Church. Give them strength and vitality to do that which is expected of them. Magnify them for good in the eyes of the people. Accept of their consecrated labors.

We thank Thee for Zion, the pure in heart among the peoples of the earth. Bless them, prosper them, magnify them, give them joy in their hearts and peace in their lives.

We pledge to Thee our love, our service, our faith. Please bless us and magnify us as we seek to live the principles taught by our Redeemer who gave His life for us Thy children. For these blessings we humbly pray, as again we dedicate our service unto Thee, in the holy name of our Redeemer, even the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.