Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Oaxaca, Messico, 11 marzo 2000

O God our Eternal Father, with thanksgiving in our hearts we gather before Thee on this historic day. We are met to dedicate unto Thee another House of the Lord in this great nation of Mexico.

Acting in the name of Thy Beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the authority of the Holy Priesthood which comes from Thee, we dedicate and consecrate this the Oaxaca México Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We dedicate it unto Thee and to Thy Beloved Son, and pray that Thou wilt accept it as the gift of our hearts and hands. We have longed for the day when a House of the Lord would be built nearer to us that we might come here often and worship Thee in spirit and in truth, and receive those ordinances, for both the living and the dead, which lead to immortality and eternal life through the great atonement wrought by our Redeemer, Thy Beloved Son.

We pray that Thy Holy Spirit may dwell here, that it may touch the hearts of all who enter here, that its wondrous influence might be felt by all who serve here.

We thank Thee for the restoration of the gospel through the instrumentality of the Prophet Joseph Smith. In this last and final dispensation Thou hast restored to earth those saving and ennobling ordinances which are binding upon all who receive them, and which unlock the gates which lead to eternal life.

We pray that we as Thy sons and daughters may utilize this holy house. May we come here frequently and partake of the blessings which are peculiar to this house. Only in the House of the Lord are ordinances administered whose reach goes beyond the veil of death. As we serve may we bring blessings into our own lives, and then extend those blessings into the immortal lives of our forebears who have gone on. Help us to be faithful and true, to walk more nearly in Thy footsteps, to look to Thee and live.

We dedicate this sacred structure and its surroundings. We dedicate the footings and the foundation, the ordinance rooms, and every facility of this beautiful building even to the top of the tallest spire on which stands the figure of Moroni.

Let Thy peace abide here. May this holy house be a refuge from the commotion of the world. May it be regarded as sacred by all who look upon it, and may it never be defiled by unclean hands. Father dear, we pray for the temple presidency, and the matron and her assistants. Grant them strength and vitality to carry on the sacred work of this house. Bless them with a great love for the people who will come here. Bless all who officiate in the temple in whatever capacity. And bless those who come as patrons, that they may come with clean hands and pure hearts to do the work for which this sacred structure has been designed.

When they leave here, having served Thee according to Thy pattern, may they return to their homes with an added sense of their great responsibilities as husbands and wives, and as parents who have a binding responsibility to bring up their children in light and truth.

We pray for this nation of Mexico that its people may be blessed of Thee, that the poverty of the past may be lifted from their shoulders, that freedom and peace and prosperity might be enjoyed.

We remember before Thee the faithful tithe payers of the Church whose consecrations have made possible this sacred structure. Bless them for their faith and faithfulness and smile upon them with favor.

We pray for Thy work in all the earth. May it go forward, "clear as the moon, and fair as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners" (D&C 5:14).

Now dear Father, Thou who art the Almighty ruler of the universe, please hear our pleadings. Accept of our thanks and of our love we humbly ask thee. We ask that Thy Holy Spirit distill upon us and bring peace and love into our hearts, all of which we humbly ask in the name of the Redeemer of the world, even the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.