Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Oquirrh Mountain, Utah, USA, 21 agosto 2009

O God, our Eternal Father, Thou almighty Elohim, Creator of the heavens, the earth and all things thereon, in the name of Thy Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, we come before Thee this day with bowed heads, full hearts and subdued spirits.

We are grateful for the knowledge Thou hast given us that Thou art our Father, to whom we may turn for inspiration and guidance, for revelation and strength in time of trouble and distress.

O Father, wilt Thou grant unto us Thy guidance and Thy Holy Spirit while we are gathered on this sacred occasion. May the channels of communication between Thee and us be open, and wilt Thou smile upon us and cause us to feel and know that we are partakers of Thy divine Spirit. Overlook our follies and our weaknesses and let us come before Thee in sincerity of heart and purity of life, that what we say and do here will be in harmony with Thy mind and will.

We thank Thee for the gift of Thy Beloved Son, who came into the world according to Thy divine plan to establish on earth the way for us to return to Thy presence.

We thank Thee for the infinite love manifested in the atoning sacrifice of Thy Son, who gave Himself a ransom for all, who broke the bands of death and opened the gates of salvation to all of Thy children. We praise His holy name. His atonement gives purpose to our being and turns our thoughts heavenward.

We are grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost to lead us to a knowledge of Thy everlasting truth, and that as we accept and follow that truth and cleanse and perfect our lives, we may become worthy to stand spotless before Thee at the last day.

We express our gratitude for the ushering in of a new dispensation, even the dispensation of the fulness of times, by Thine own appearance and the appearance of Thy Beloved Son to the boy Joseph Smith, to open the heavens and to restore to the world the knowledge of Thee and Thy Son and Thy holy purposes.

We are grateful for this long-awaited day of dedication, when this, Thy Holy House, has been completed. Bless, we pray Thee, those faithful members here and throughout the world who have contributed their tithes which have made possible this magnificent edifice for Thy name's honor and glory and for the blessing of all who enter herein. We are grateful for those who have given so generously of their means, their time, their skills, and their strength to make possible this sacred house. May each contributor rejoice in the opportunity to assist in Thy holy work. Wilt Thou open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings upon them. May they be assured of the gratitude of those uncounted millions who have passed beyond this life, for whom the prison doors may now be opened and deliverance proclaimed through the devoted service of Thy people in this and other sacred temples.

The Plan of Salvation taught in the temple with simplicity, yet with power, will be as a never-failing beacon of divine light to guide our footsteps and keep them constantly on the pathway of eternal life.

Father in Heaven bless, we pray Thee, the President of the Church and his counselors who comprise the First Presidency, the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, the Quorums of the Seventy and the Presiding Bishopric, that they might always have Thy guiding influence and inspiration. In every thought, word and act may they glorify Thy name.

Bless those who preside in the stakes and wards, the districts and branches of the Church, that they may be equal to the responsibilities placed upon them.

Bless thy servants who preside over the missions of the Church, together with all of the missionaries who have gone forth to proclaim to the peoples of the earth the restoration of the gospel and the Plan of Salvation. Protect them from all harm. Bless them with the gifts and powers of their ministry. Bless their families, that they may be sustained in peace and comfort.

Let Thy Spirit be poured out upon all who teach in Thy Church, that they may build the faith and increase the understanding of those they instruct in the principles of the gospel.

Frustrate the designs of the adversary against Thy people and Thy work, and may the efforts of all who fight against Zion come to naught. May Thy glorious work roll on in majesty and power to fill the whole earth.

Bless the temple president and his counselors, together with their wives, and all who will assist in the operation of this temple.

Bless thy children throughout the world who know hunger, who have no shelter and who face daily suffering. May we reach out in a spirit of love and true charity to those who yearn for our help.

In a time of departure from safe moorings, may youth of the noble birthright carry on in the traditions of their parents and grandparents. They are subjected to the sophistries of Satan. Help them stand firm for truth. Open wide to their view the gates of learning, of understanding, of service in Thy kingdom. Bless them with a lengthened view of their eternal possibilities.

We express our gratitude for all who have participated in the preparations for this day of dedication, as well as for those who made possible the successful open house event. We ask Thy blessings to attend all who walked within these sacred walls and felt stirring thoughts course through their minds and hearts. May the spirit of the temple continue with them.

Now, Father, according to the pattern Thou hast given, and in harmony with the course established by Thy servants who have gone before, and acting in the authority of that priesthood which is after the order of Thy Son and in His holy name, we dedicate this, the Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We dedicate it as a house of baptism, a house of endowment, a house of sealing, a house of righteousness—for the living and for the dead.

We humbly pray, Father, that Thou wilt accept this holy edifice. Pour out Thy blessings upon it and let Thy spirit attend and guide all who officiate herein, that holiness will prevail in every room. May all who enter have clean hands and pure hearts, and may they participate with faith in the ordinances to be given herein and depart with a feeling of peace, praising Thy holy name.

We dedicate the ground on which the temple stands. We dedicate the beautiful structure, from the unseen footings to the majestic figure of Moroni crowning its highest point. We dedicate the baptistry, all of the facilities for administering the sacred ordinances, the endowment rooms, the sealing rooms with their sacred altars, and the lovely celestial room, together with all ancillary facilities and the beautiful grounds with their lawns, flowers, trees and shrubs. Protect all from any devastating influence, destruction or defacement.

May all that is done herein be done with an eye single to Thy glory and to the building of Thy kingdom here upon the earth.

O, Holy Father, bless us with the peace promised by Thy Son. Shield us from selfishness or sin and provide the power that we might rise above all that is sordid or below the dignity of Thy children.

And now we dedicate this temple as an abode for Thee and Thy Son. Wilt Thou place Thy ratifying seal of approval upon this dedicatory service and upon all we have done and shall do in this, Thy Holy House, which we now present to Thee.

May we, Thy children, merit Thy bounteous blessings and Thy watchful care, we pray, in the name of Thy Beloved Son, even the name of Jesus Christ, the Lord. Amen.