Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Rexburg, Idaho, USA, 10 febbraio 2008

O God, our Beloved Father in Heaven, we come to Thee in gratitude and in faith on this day of dedication. We come humbly before Thee in the name of Thy Beloved Son in this Thy house to dedicate it unto Thee.

Thou art the great Elohim, Creator and Ruler of the universe. We are Thy sons and Thy daughters. We love Thee and we honor Thy Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Anchor of our faith, our Redeemer, and the Author of our salvation.

We are grateful for the restoration of Thy Holy Priesthood through Thy prophet, Joseph Smith, which will be exercised in this, Thy house. We thank Thee that the prophet Elijah was sent to restore the keys of salvation and exaltation for both the living and the dead. We are grateful that there was a restitution of all the authority pertaining to Thy work in this, the dispensation of the fullness of times.

We thank Thee that since the restoration Thou hast never left Thy Church alone. From the days of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Thou hast chosen and appointed a prophet to this people who has held and exercised all the keys of the everlasting priesthood for Thy children in the earth. We are grateful to Thee that the magnificent promise made in the dedication of the Kirtland Temple has been fulfilled in our time that Thy Church has come out of obscurity and shines before the world, "fair as the moon, and clear as the sun."

Many not of our faith have previously visited this building. May they reflect on their experience with reverence and appreciation. May they be led, as Thou hast promised, to acknowledge that this is indeed Thy house. Touch the hearts of the leaders of nations that Thy work may move forth over the earth. Bless the missionaries who carry the good news of the restored gospel of Thy Son Jesus Christ to Thy children across the world. Bless and protect them and pour blessings out upon their heads and their families.

And now in the name of Thy Beloved Son, and in the authority of the priesthood Thou hast bestowed upon us, we dedicate unto Thee and to Him, this, the Rexburg Idaho Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We dedicate the ground on which it stands, the landscaping, the buildings, all the parts thereof, and all the furnishings and facilities appertaining thereto. Preserve it against the storms of nature and from any destructive hand of man. May a spirit of love be manifested by all who serve in this Thy holy house. May all who enter within these walls be worthy in every way. Save it from pollution of any kind. Wilt Thou hallow it.

We are grateful for Thy worthy saints throughout the world, who have faithfully committed their tithes and offerings so that this and similar edifices might be constructed. Bless those who come here that they may grow in faith and testimony concerning Thy Beloved Son. May they grow in understanding of Thy eternal purposes in bringing to pass the immortality and eternal life of Thy sons and daughters.

May Thy faithful saints of this and future generations look to this temple as a sanctuary and a place of service to Thee and to Thy children.

We remember before Thee all who are engaged in the great work of salvation for the dead. Open the way before those who are searching out the records of their forebears. Bless them that many of their ancestors may have the opportunity to receive the blessings of eternal life.

Almighty God we reverence Thy name and the name of Thy Beloved Son. We love Thee, we sing Thy praises and seek to do Thy will. On this day of dedication we renew our dedication to Thee and Thy purposes. And we do it all and give thanks in the name of Thy Son, our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, amen.