Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di San Antonio, Texas, USA, 22 maggio 2005

O God our Eternal Father, Thou great Elohim, we bow in reverence before Thee as we dedicate this Thy holy house.

Thou art the great God of the Universe, all-wise and omnipotent. Thou art also our Father, and we are Thy children. We come unto Thee in solemn supplication, with love and gratitude.

Thou hast revealed unto Thy servant Joseph Smith the ordinances of Thy house. Thou hast bestowed the fulness of the everlasting priesthood to be exercised herein. How thankful we are for these marvelous blessings so generously given.

And now, dear Father, acting in the authority of the holy priesthood in us vested, we dedicate and consecrate to Thee and to Thy Beloved Son this beautiful San Antonio Texas Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We dedicate this choice plot of ground on which it stands, with its flowers, shrubbery, and lawns. We dedicate the footings, the foundation, the walls with their doors and windows. We dedicate the roof and the tower with the crowning figure of Moroni. We dedicate all of the interior facilities, the Baptistry, the fixtures and areas for the administration of initiatory ordinances, the rooms where instruction pertinent to the endowment will be given and covenants made, the magnificent Celestial room, the sealing rooms with their sacred altars, the offices, halls and other spaces.

Wilt Thou, dear Father, accept of this our offering unto Thee. Wilt Thou smile upon it and crown this dedication with Thy benediction. Hallow it as Thy house. Wilt Thou deign to visit it and cause that Thy Holy Spirit may dwell here. The faithful and obedient will gather here to accomplish the singular, eternal work in their own behalf and in behalf of those beyond the veil of death. May no one who is unworthy cross the threshold of this house. Stay the hand of any who may be inclined to deface or vandalize it in any way. May all who pass this way reflect on the beauty of this edifice and look upon it as a sanctified and holy structure.

Many not of our faith have gone through the building. We pray that they may ponder what they have seen and be inclined to investigate the doctrines of Thy Church and eventually come to enjoy the privileges of this Thy house.

Endow with power from on high those who go forth from here as messengers of truth to the nations of the earth. May Thy watchcare be over them and Thy Holy Spirit speak through them to the convincing of many. May they be led to those seeking the truth.

We pray for the temple president and his counselors, the matron and her assistants, that they may be blessed with strength and vitality to do all that is expected of them. May their associates serve faithfully and well, finding great joy in their labors.

Bless all who come as patrons that they may be made to feel welcome and rejoice in the opportunity to further this great work of salvation and exaltation.

May the work done here be added to all that is done in the other temples in bringing to pass the "immortality and eternal life of man" (Moses 1:39).

We pray, dear Father, for Thine ordained servants whom Thou hast called to preside in Thy Church. Give them strength and revelation to lead Thy people in the paths in which Thou wouldst have them walk.

We remember Thy covenant people wherever they may be. Open the windows of heaven and shower down blessings upon the heads of the faithful of Thy kingdom throughout the earth.

We pray for the youth of Thy Church. Save them from the destroying elements which confront them. Give them the strength to shun the evils of the world. Cause them to grow in righteousness, to walk in Thy ways, and, in due time, to be joined in marriage for eternity in the house of the Lord.

We invoke Thy blessings upon the citizens of this community and state and pray that Thou wilt bless this nation of which we are all a part. May it ever remain free from bondage and be recognized as an ensign of peace and strength before the entire world. Prosper its people as they walk in righteousness before Thee.

Now, our beloved Father, we commit ourselves, and all that we have and are, to the onrolling of Thy glorious work. May it never fail. May its critics and enemies be confounded. May its light shine over the earth as a glorious beacon, inviting all to come and worship Thee in Spirit and in truth.

We so pray with love, faith, and thanksgiving in the sacred name of our Redeemer, even the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.