Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Santiago, Cile, 12 marzo 2006

O God our Eternal Father, we reverently bow before Thee on this sacred and solemn occasion. We come unto Thee in the name of Thy Beloved Son, our Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Twenty-two and a half years ago we dedicated and consecrated this Thy holy house. During those years a great and marvelous work has been accomplished here. Thousands have received the blessings and ordinances which are offered in Thy temples. Great numbers of those beyond the veil of death have been made the beneficiaries of the sacred ordinances of the house of the Lord. Baptisms have been performed vicariously in behalf of the dead that they might go forward on the road that leads "to immortality and eternal life."

All of this has been accomplished under the revelations given Thine appointed instrument, even the Prophet Joseph Smith.

Now this sacred house has been renovated, redecorated, enlarged, and made more beautiful and suitable for the purposes for which it has been designed.

Acting in the name of Jesus Christ, and in the authority of the holy priesthood in us vested, we dedicate, rededicate, and consecrate unto Thee, our Father and our God, and unto Thy Beloved Son, our Savior and Redeemer, this the Santiago Chile Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

We rededicate the grounds on which it stands with the beautiful vegetation that adorns these. We dedicate and rededicate the building with all of the walls, rooms, facilities, furnishings and equipment which are a part thereof, from the footings to the crowning figure of Moroni.

We dedicate the beautiful new baptistry which adds so much to the function and design of this Thy holy house and the accomplishment of Thy work in behalf of Thy children of all generations.

All of this has been made possible by the consecrations of Thy faithful Saints throughout the world. Bless them for their expressed love for Thee in observing the sacred law of tithing. Open the windows of heaven and shower down blessings upon them as Thou hast promised. Bless them that they shall never miss that which they have given, but, rather, may they bask in the fruits of Thy generosity toward them.

Watch over this Thy sacred house, we pray Thee. May no defiling hand violate it in any way. May it stand firm against the elements that beat against it. Protect it from the tremblings of the earth. May it be a place of refuge where Thy Saints may come and find peace while in communion with Thee.

Bless Thy work in this great nation of Chile. May its citizens enjoy the blessings of freedom and liberty. May Thy work grow in strength and power, in size and dimension. May stakes of Zion be found everywhere in the land from the far south to the far north.

Now, dear Father, we pray for Thy faithful Saints. May there be peace and love in the homes of Thy people. May their children grow up in righteousness before Thee with love for Thee and for Thy Son. Let Thy blessings rest upon all those who hold responsibility in directing the work of missions, stakes, districts, wards, and branches.

We remember before Thee Thy servant who is with us this day. He has grown old in years. Strengthen him in his body and in his mind. Give him wisdom and revelation, and bless his associates among the General Authorities of the Church.

Now, dear Father, bless all who love and serve Thee throughout the earth. May Thy work grow and prosper wherever it is established. May Thy people live together with appreciation and respect one for another. May we all walk in faith before Thee, seeking to do Thy will and keeping Thy commandments, we humbly pray, in the sacred name of our Redeemer, Thy Beloved Son, the Lord Emmanuel, even Jesus Christ, amen.