Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Snowflake, Arizona, USA, 3 marzo 2002

O God, our Eternal Father, we bow before Thee as we dedicate this sacred temple.

Thou art the great Elohim, the Almighty, the Governor of the universe who rules over all. And yet Thou art our Father, and as Thy humble children we come unto Thee in solemn prayer in the name of Thine Only Begotten, the Savior of the world, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our hearts are filled with gratitude for this beautiful edifice which has been erected in our midst. It stands magnificent on this high elevation where it may be seen by all in this community. May it be a constant reminder to those who pass this way of the obligations of Thy covenant people to walk in righteousness before Thee. Father, we thank Thee for the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ in this the dispensation of the fulness of times. The everlasting priesthood, in all of its fulness, has been restored through the instrumentality of the Prophet Joseph Smith. The keys of that priesthood are with Thy people and will be exercised in this holy house. The incomparable blessings flowing therefrom will be experienced not only by those in this life, but in the life beyond by Thy sons and daughters of all generations through living proxies acting in their behalf. All of the ordinances of Thy house, whether in behalf of the living or the dead, are eternal in their consequences.

We are thankful for those who laid the foundations of this and other nearby communities. They struggled so desperately for so long against adversities of many kinds. Now their posterity enjoy the sweet fruits of their efforts, and crowning all is this magnificent and beautiful temple.

We are grateful that this Thy house will be available to the sons and daughters of Lehi who live nearby. Let the scales of darkness fall from their eyes and bring a fulfillment of the ancient promises made concerning them. May this house become a hallowed sanctuary for many of these, our brothers and sisters.

And now, dear Father, as Thy servants acting in the authority of the holy priesthood which Thou hast bestowed upon us, and in the sacred name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we dedicate and consecrate unto Thee and unto Him this the Snowflake Arizona Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Wilt Thou accept it as Thy holy house. We pray that Thou might see fit to visit it. Permit Thy Holy Spirit to be here at all times, its presence to be felt by all who labor here. May this house be ever sacred to those who enter it and to all who look upon it. May it truly be the House of the Lord, a place of holiness.

We dedicate and consecrate the structure itself and the grounds upon which it stands. We dedicate these beautiful surroundings adorned with Thy handiwork of grass, flowers, shrubs, and trees. We dedicate the footings and the foundation, the walls, the steeple, and the crowning figure of Moroni. We dedicate the interior of this Thy house, the Baptistry, the ordinance and instruction rooms, and the magnificent celestial room. We dedicate the sealing rooms with their sacred altars where the priesthood will be exercised to insure the eternal perpetuity of the family. We dedicate all other facilities which combined together constitute this sacred edifice.

O Father, please let Thy blessings rest upon this Thy house the erection of which has been made possible through the faithful contributors of tithes and offerings throughout the world. We thank Thee for those who have provided the land, who have worked in the planning and construction, who have served in any capacity whatever to bring this undertaking to this day of consecration.

Now, dear Father, protect this Thy house from any desecrating hand, from the storms of nature, and from any other destructive force or element. Bless all who enter these portals that they may be clean of mind and body, worthy to enter into Thy presence. May they serve herein with an eye single to Thy glory. May Thy faithful Saints be edified and strengthened through the endowment they will here receive.

May Thy servants who go from this Thy house to represent Thee be endowed with power to bear witness before the world of Thy great cause and kingdom restored to the earth for the blessing of thy sons and daughters, both those living and those beyond the veil of death. May all who kneel at these sacred altars feel the power of Thy binding covenant for them and their posterity through all eternity.

We pray for all who will serve here as workers that they may do so with a spirit of love and with a desire to bless the lives of those who come as patrons. We pray for the temple president and his counselors, for the matron and her assistants. May none weary in the beneficent work which they will perform.

Father, as we pray for those who will use this sacred building, we pray for Thy people throughout the earth. Let Thy blessings rest upon Thy faithful Saints wherever they may be. May each hold in his or her hand the torch of faith and be guided thereby in all circumstances. Open the heavens and pour down blessings upon those who live the ancient law of the tithe. Stay in their behalf the hand of the destroyer and multiply the fruits of their labors. We pray for those whom Thou hast called to lead Thy Church in this season of history. Make them equal to their great responsibilities and endow them with power from on high. Give them strength and energy and great capacity.

We pray for this nation of which we are part. In this time of national sorrow, bring peace and comfort to those who mourn. Preserve the freedom of the people. May the blessings of liberty rest upon its citizens. Bless those who lead and inspire them in their endeavors that righteousness may grow, that the people may look to Thee, and that this nation, under God, may continue as a base from which Thy work may spread throughout the earth.

Now, our beloved Father, how grateful we are for Thy precious Son; He who left Thy royal courts on high to come to earth, here to offer Himself as a sacrifice for the sins of all men. He is our great Redeemer, our Savior, and our Lord. As we love Thee, we love Him.

Almighty God, please smile with favor upon us. Forgive our weaknesses. Magnify our talents. May we walk acceptably before Thee as Thy sons and daughters we humbly pray in the sacred and holy name of Jesus Christ, amen.