Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Tampico, Messico, 20 maggio 2000

O Lord God Omnipotent, our Eternal Father, we come unto Thee with hearts filled with gratitude on this day of dedication. We are met in Thy holy house with appreciation for the presence of this temple in our midst. We know that we have been favored, and we thank Thee for this great blessing which has come to us.

We dedicate this the Tampico Mexico Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints unto Thee and to Thy Beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. We do so in His holy name and in the authority of the eternal priesthood which Thou hast bestowed upon us as Thy servants.

Wilt Thou accept of this Thy holy temple as the gift of Thy covenant children who love Thee and seek to honor Thee. Sanctify this Thy house we humbly pray. Let Thy blessings rest upon it as Thy dwelling place.

We dedicate the grounds with their beautiful vegetation that speaks of Thy divine creations. We dedicate the structure with all of its facilities, including the magnificent baptistry, the endowment rooms, the celestial room, the sealing rooms at whose altars Thy sons and daughters will kneel to partake of the rich and marvelous blessings that carry with them the assurance of eternal family relationships.

May this structure be sacred to all who look upon it that no unrighteous hand may deface it or damage it in any way. May all who enter its portals be clean of body and mind and worthy to receive the blessings herein given. We pray that there may emanate from this Thy house a spirit of love and peace, a spirit divine and holy, which will be felt in this great city.

Bless all who labor herein, whether they be workers or patrons, that they may be clean and free of evil while serving in the sacred work in which they will be engaged.

We pray for the temple presidency and for the matron and her assistants. We pray for those who will serve as ordinance workers, and in every other capacity, and we also remember before Thee the patrons of this temple. May they be faithful in their attendance, and may Thy rich and wonderful blessings rest down upon all who are eligible to use Thy house.

Father, we pray for Thy people everywhere. Strengthen Thy Church wherever it may be established. Bless this great nation of Mexico, its officers and governors at whatever level, that they may be friendly to Thy people and ensure their peace and security. May Thy work grow in this nation in a miraculous and marvelous way. Lift the burdens of poverty from the backs of Thy children and prosper them as they serve Thee in righteousness, walking in obedience to Thy commandments.

We invoke Thy blessings upon all who preside over Thy work throughout the earth. Give them strength of body and clarity of mind, and touch them by Thy Holy Spirit as they seek to do Thy will and lead Thy people in righteousness before Thee.

On this historic day, may a new sense of dedication come into our hearts that we may serve Thee more diligently and walk before Thee more faithfully we humbly pray in the name of Him who is our Redeemer and our Lord, even Jesus Christ, amen.