Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Vernal, Utah, USA, 2 novembre 1997

O God our Eternal Father, Thou who rules in the heavens and the earth, with thankful hearts we come unto Thee in reverence as we dedicate this sacred house.

We are grateful for this beautiful new structure which utilizes the historic tabernacle built by Thy people nearly a century ago. The original tabernacle came of a great spirit of faith and sacrifice on the part of those Saints who settled in this area. It was built as an offering unto Thee, and was held in the affections of the people long after it was used as a house of worship.

Now that old and much-loved building has become the centerpiece of a new and beautiful House of the Lord. It has a quiet luster all its own. We thank Thee for the use to which it has been put.As Thine appointed servants, acting in the authority of the Holy Priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ, we dedicate unto Thee and unto Thy Beloved Son this the Vernal Utah Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We pray that Thou wilt accept it as the offering of Thy thankful people. We pray that Thou wilt visit it, and may Thy Holy Spirit dwell here to sanctify it and make it holy unto all who will enter its portals.We are profoundly grateful for the sacred ordinances which will be administered here. The initiatory ordinances, the endowments, the sealings are all eternal in their very nature. Here, for both the living and the dead, these ordinances will be reverently administered. Here Thy faithful sons and daughters, including their children, will come to be baptized in behalf of the dead. Those who serve as proxies will be greatly blessed in this unselfish work as they lose themselves in the service of others. Prison doors will be opened for those beyond the veil of death. Within these sacred walls the dividing line between the living and the dead will soften as Thy glorious work is carried forward.

This house has been made most attractive. The woodwork, the colors of the walls and ceilings, the paintings, the windows, and the furniture all blend together to create a feeling of peace and beauty as becomes the house of the Lord.

We thank Thee for this sacred structure, and for all who have worked on it. We thank Thee for every temple throughout the world where a great and sacred labor is going forward. We thank Thee for the faith of our people which brings them to these holy houses. We thank Thee for their consecrated means, their tithes and offerings, which have made this and other sacred structures possible.

We thank Thee for the restoration of the keys of the eternal priesthood, and for the turning of the hearts of the fathers to the children and of the children to their fathers that the earth may not be wasted at the coming of the Lord. We thank Thee for Thy Church and Kingdom restored to the earth, with all of the keys, powers, and blessings of previous dispensations. We thank Thee for the great and wondrous vision of Thee and Thy Son given to the Prophet Joseph Smith, and for all of the marvelous events which followed. We thank Thee for the growth of Thy work throughout the earth, and for the need and the desire to build yet many more of these sacred structures that Thy faithful Saints everywhere may enjoy every privilege offered under the restoration of Thy divine gospel.Now, dear Father, bless this Thy holy house. Preserve it from evil hands, from those who would violate it in any way. Preserve it against the storms of nature. Bless every feature of this house, from the footings to the figure of Moroni. May it be looked upon by all who see it as a place of holiness unto Thee the Lord.

Touch the hearts of Thy people with a great desire to come here frequently and serve in a singular work of dedication. Bless the faithful Saints of this area. Open the windows of heaven and shower down bounteous blessings upon them. May there come about a reconciliation of feelings between the descendants of Lehi and those who have come to reside in these valleys. May old animosities be dispelled, and may there come a renewed spirit of brotherhood and love and respect.Bless Thy Church and Kingdom wherever it may be established. Watch over and go before Thy messengers of eternal truth throughout the world. Open the doors of the nations to the preaching of the gospel. Touch the hearts of kings and rulers and those in high places of government that our missionaries may be protected and blessed in their sacred work. May Thy Kingdom spread across the earth, "fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners." (D&C 109:73.)

Now, our Eternal Father, we pray unto Thee with thanksgiving on this historic occasion. Accept of our gratitude. Hear our pleas, accept our faith, and our expressions of great love for Thee and for Thy Beloved Son.

We ask it all humbly and gratefully, acknowledging Thee as the Giver of all good, our Father and our God, Thou great Elohim, all of which we do in the sacred name of Thy Divine Son, our Redeemer and our Lord, even Jesus Christ, amen.