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Book of Mormon Videos

Introduction – 2 Nephi


Title Time Scripture
For Our Day 11:08 Introduction
Book of Mormon Study 0:55 Introduction
Importance of the Book of Mormon 0:57 Introduction
The Book of Mormon 1:03 Introduction

1 Nephi

Title Time Scripture
1 Nephi through Omni (Segment 1) 2:28 1 Nephi - Omni
God’s Tender Mercies 2:00 1 Nephi 1:20
I Will Go and Do 1:02 1 Nephi 3:7
Scriptures are of Great Worth 1:32 1 Nephi 4:5-18
Searching the Scriptures 2:18 1 Nephi 5:10-22
The Tree of Life as a Symbol of Jesus Christ and His Atonement 0:38 1 Nephi 8:10-12; 11:8-25
The Rod of Iron 1:09 1 Nephi 8:19-33
For a Wise Purpose 11:18 1 Nephi 9
The Spirit Cannot Abide 0:53 1 Nephi 10:19
Lost Truths 2:11 1 Nephi 13:32–40
Book of Mormon Restores Plain and Precious Things 1:29 1 Nephi 13:34-41
The Word of God Strengthens Us 0:22 1 Nephi 15:24
Our Own Liahona 1:28 1 Nephi 16:16-32
I Will Prepare the Way 13:24 1 Nephi 17
Past Feeling 3:02 1 Nephi 17:45
Sensitivity to Spiritual Communication, Part 2 0:44 1 Nephi 17:45
Sensitivity to Spiritual Communication, Part 3 1:22 1 Nephi 17:45
Liken All Scriptures 1:31 1 Nephi 19:23-24
We are “Graven on the Palms of His Hands” 1:39 1 Nephi 21:13-16
The Righteous Need Not Fear 1:06 1 Nephi 22:17

2 Nephi

Title Time Scripture
Act for Themselves 18:40 2 Nephi 2
The Fall 0:53 2 Nephi 2
Opposition in All Things 2:56 2 Nephi 2:1–11
Saved by the Merits of Christ 1:13 2 Nephi 2:7-8
Things to Act and Things to Be Acted Upon 0:56 2 Nephi 2:13-14
To Act or Be Acted Upon 0:50 2 Nephi 2:14-29
Three Pillars of God’s Plan 0:49 2 Nephi 2:14–29
We are “Free to Choose” 0:28 2 Nephi 2:27
Gathering to Lands of Promise 2:07 2 Nephi 9:1-3
Physical and Spiritual Death 1:51 2 Nephi 9:6–24
Christ Saves Us from Physical and Spiritual Death 0:58 2 Nephi 9:6-24
Look to Christ and Come Alive 0:33 2 Nephi 9:41–52
The Scattering and Gathering Is First Spiritual 1:07 2 Nephi 10:6–8.
Individual Agency 1:53 2 Nephi 10:23-25
The Atonement is Essential to God’s Plan 1:03 2 Nephi 11:2–8
The Lord’s House 1:21 2 Nephi 12:2–3
Fulfillment 0:35 2 Nephi 12:2–3
A Day When 0:27 2 Nephi 15-20
Saved by Grace 1:41 2 Nephi 25:19-30
Beware of False Prophets 1:06 2 Nephi 26:29
Who Are the Bond and Free? 1:56 2 Nephi 26:33
Spiritual Crocodiles 8:20 2 Nephi 28
All is Well in Zion 2:05 2 Nephi 28:20-24
Line upon Line 0:52 2 Nephi 28:30
The Book of Mormon “Shall Hiss Forth” 1:13 2 Nephi 29:2
Abrahamic Covenant (Elder Oaks)
The Baptism of Fire 1:42 2 Nephi 31:10-17
Spiritual Immunization 1:35 2 Nephi 32:3-5

Jacob – Mosiah


Title Time Scripture
Pride Simulation Center4:44Jacob 2
Steve’s Simulation 1:37 Jacob 2
Conclusion 3:14 Jacob 2
Beginning to Labor in Sin 1:26 Jacob 2:2-9
Do Not Practice Polygamy 1:10 Jacob 2:27–30
Chastity 3:03 Jacob 2:28
The Atonement Enables Us 2:19 Jacob 4:6-7
Old Testament Olive Vineyard 6:51 Jacob 5-6
Vineyard at the Time of Christ 2:08 Jacob 5-6
Nethermost Parts of the Vineyard 1:15 Jacob 5-6
All Fruit of the Vineyard is Corrupt 1:19 Jacob 5-6
The Olive Tree 2:33 Jacob 5-6
What Can I Say More? 2:29 Jacob 6:7-13
Enemies of Christ 0:46 Jacob 7


Title Time Scripture
And My Soul Hungered 10:21 Enos
Having Enos-Like Faith 2:01 Enos 1:1-8, 27


Title Time Scripture
Apply the Teachings of Christ 2:10 Jarom 1:3-12


Title Time Scripture
1 Nephi through Omni (Segment 1) 2:28 1 Nephi through Omni
Omni through Alma 27 (Segment 2) 2:00 Omni through Alma 27
Alma 43 through Moroni (Segment 3) 2:12 Alma 43 through Moroni
Brief Overview (Segment 4) 2:26 Omni
Whole Soul Unto God 0:56 Omni 1:26


Title Time Scripture
The “Natural Man” 3:23 Mosiah 2-5
Putting off the “Natural Man” 7:46 Mosiah 2-5
Service that Counts 1:51 Mosiah 2:11-21
Unprofitable Servants 0:52 Mosiah 2:20-21
Put off the Natural Man 2:49 Mosiah 3:19
Watch Your Thoughts 1:17 Mosiah 4:29-30
No More Disposition to do Evil 1:25 Mosiah 5:2-3
Name of Christ 2:15 Mosiah 5:7–11
Stand as a Witness 7:36 Mosiah 18:1-16
Abinadi Converted One Soul 1:23 Mosiah 18:1-4
Safety Lies in Obeying the Prophets 0:54 Mosiah 20:21, 21:1–4
King of Kings 1:12 Mosiah 23:6–14
The Lord Will Ease Our Burdens 1:23 Mosiah 24:11-15
God Forgives 2:12 Mosiah 26:29-31
We Must be “Born Again” 1:55 Mosiah 27:23-30
Characteristics of Those who Faithfully Share the Gospel2:19 Mosiah 28:1-9

Alma – Helaman


Title Time Scripture
Can You Imagine 8:25 Alma 5
A Mighty Change of Heart 0:55 Alma 5:12-14
The Healing Power of the Atonement 1:12 Alma 7:11-13
The Eternal Principle of Law and Justice 0:42 Alma 9:18–25
Resurrected Perfect Form 1:52 Alma 11:42-45
God Knows the Thoughts and Intents of our Hearts 2:41 Alma 12:1–8
There was a Plan of Redemption Laid 1:41 Alma 12:22-34
Foreordained to Bear the Priesthood 0:34 Alma 13:1-5
Ordinary Men and Women Can be Made Pure 0:53 Alma 13:10-13
Zeezrom Lay Sick 1:19 Alma 15:1–3
Search the Scriptures Daily 1:34 Alma 17:1-3
Ammon Teaches King Lamoni 1:34 Alma 18:12–23
Anger is an Indication of Weakness 0:30 Alma 20:8–17
Understanding the Fall 0:58 Alma 22:1–14
True Repentance Brings Hope 2:02 Alma 22:15-18
Do Not Deny the Atonement’s Power 1:53 Alma 26:17-20
Finding the Lamb of God 0:46 Alma 31:5
Receiving a Personal Testimony 1:55 Alma 32:27-28
God Has Delivered Me 16:25 Alma 36
Someday 1:05
Racked with Eternal Torment 1:56 Alma 36:12-17
Replace Suffering with Joy 1:00 Alma 36:18–21
Learn in Thy Youth 3:04 Alma 37:35
These Things Are an Abomination 7:35 Alma 39
Unchastity Most Abominable 2:08 Alma 39:1-11
The Mediator 10:45 Alma 40-42
Wickedness Never was Happiness 1:15 Alma 41:10-11
The Demands of Justice 1:25 Alma 42:22-25
Alma 43 through Moroni (Segment 3) 2:12 Alma 43 through Moroni
Captain Moroni 17:50 Alma 43-48
Firm in the Faith 3:37 Alma 43-48
Fight for Families 1:43 Alma 43:45-47
Believers in the Book of Mormon 0:55 Alma 46:13–15
Don’t Leave the High Ground 0:49 Alma 47:10-18
Strippling Warriors 2:41 Alma 53:10-21
Choose Not to Be Offended 2:31 Alma 61
Our Own Storehouse of Faith 2:12 Alma 62:39-41
Nephi Prays for his People 5:44


Title Time Scripture
Nephi Prophesies Death of Chief Judge 2:18 Helaman 1-12
Nephi Proves his Innocence 6:53 Helaman 1-12
Yielding Our Hearts to God 1:39 Helaman 3:33-36
The Spirit Does Not Dwell in Unholy Temples 0:55 Helaman 4:23-26
Build on the Rock of Our Redeemer 2:02 Helaman 5:12
Secret Combinations 0:46 Helaman 6:37–40
Hold upon Your Hearts 1:24 Helaman 7:15–22
Power in the Priesthood 1:21 Helaman 11:4–17
The Cure for Forgetting God 1:33 Helaman 12:1-6
It is Too Late 2:03 Helaman 13:36-39
Declare the Way to Safety 0:31 Helaman 16:4–5

3 Nephi – Moroni

3 Nephi

Title Time Scripture
A Living Sacrifice 0:47 3 Nephi 2:1-3
Pride Is Enmity 1:22 3 Nephi 6:10–18
The Devil Rejoices When We Sin 2:24 3 Nephi 9:2, 13-15
Christ Brings Light Where There is Darkness 0:37 3 Nephi 10:9–13
Covenants and Ordinances 1:38 3 Nephi 11:14-17
Salt of the Earth 1:06 3 Nephi 12:13
Going the Extra Mile 0:29 3 Nephi 12:38-42
Be Ye Therefore Perfect 0:47 3 Nephi 12:48
God Forgive Us as We Forgive Others 1:48 3 Nephi 12:48
The Golden Rule 1:04 3 Nephi 14:12
God’s Laws Bless His Children 2:08 3 Nephi 15:1-10
My Joy is Full 3 Nephi 17
Jesus Blessed the Children “One by One” 3:17 3 Nephi 17:14-25
Pray in Your Families 1:58 3 Nephi 18:13-25
We Can Have His Light 1:13 3 Nephi 19:16-36
Who is the Seed of Abraham? 1:16 3 Nephi 20:24-29
The Book of Mormon Gathers Scattered Israel 1:31 3 Nephi 21:1-7
Jesus Wants Us to Succeed 1:20 3 Nephi 22:6-10
Too Sacred to Discuss 1:34 3 Nephi 26:13–21
Gospel is Good News 1:33 3 Nephi 27:13-22
What Manner of Men Ought Ye to Be? 1:50 3 Nephi 27:27
We Are the Covenant People of the Lord 1:08 3 Nephi 28:30

4 Nephi

Title Time Scripture
O Ye Fair Ones4 Nephi - Mormon 6
Jesus and His Prophets 3:10 4 Nephi 1
We Can Choose Our Path 0:44 4 Nephi 1:20–42


Title Time Scripture
Bible and Book of MormonMormon 7:8-10
Prepared for Our Day 2:48 Mormon 8:12-41


Title Time Scripture
The Faith and Diligence of the Brother of Jared 2:26 Ether 2:16; 3:5
A Steady, Reassuring Voice 0:44 Ether 7:23–27
Secret Combinations Destroy Civilizations 0:56 Ether 8:20–26
Trial of your Faith 0:56 Ether 12:4-6


Title Time Scripture
I, MoroniMoroni 1:1–4
Partake of the Sacrament 1:50 Moroni 4-5
Retaining Converts 1:34 Moroni 6:4–9
Light of Christ 2:49 Moroni 7:12-19
Pure Love of Christ 2:07 Moroni 7:45-48
Children are Alive in Christ 1:07 Moroni 8:4-23
Test Moroni’s Promise 2:43 Moroni 10:3-5
Hope Leads 1:31 Moroni 10:20-23
Come unto Christ 3:54 Moroni 10:32