Many people in God’s Church have become prideful. Alma the Younger steps down as the chief judge to preach faith in Jesus Christ and repentance to the people. Nephihah takes Alma's place as the chief judge.
Gospel Living

Alma had to decide which role was more important.

06/06/24 | 1 min read
Here’s what Alma 4 might have been like.

Alma was the high priest. Today, we would call him “the prophet” or “Church president.” But he was also the chief judge—sort of like being president of the country.

Both of these were good, honorable jobs. But they were very demanding jobs, and Alma found that he couldn’t do them both well.

He had to choose one or the other. He gave up one good thing for a better thing.

To Think About

Is there anything good in your life that you may need to cut back on to make room for something better?
