Help children understand the great variety of animal life that Heavenly Father has created.
Activity Suggestion
Read Genesis 1:20–21 to the children. Invite the children to listen carefully for the words describing animal life that Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, created. Make categories of animals from these verses, such as:
- “moving creatures”
- “fowl that may fly above the earth”
- “great whales”
- “every living creature that moveth”
Let the children guess and name what these animals could be, from centipedes and ants to whales, fish, and birds. If possible, show photos of a variety of animals, birds, and insects.
Consider playing one of the following games:
- Animal Race: Have a race where each child must move like an animal: hop like a rabbit or a frog, waddle like a duck, slither like a snake, and so forth.
- Animal Imitations: The children take turns acting like a specific animal, including movement and sound. The other children try to guess the animal.
Please adapt activities as necessary to ensure all individuals are able to participate, belong, and contribute.
Adaptation Ideas
- If possible, visit a farm, zoo, animal rescue, or aviary to learn more about the animals there.
- Give the children 60 seconds to name as many things they can think of that animals have that humans do not, such as eight legs, scales, beaks, or camouflage. Then give them 60 seconds to name as many things as they can think of that we use that come from animals, such as wool, manure, meat, cheese, eggs, and leather.
- Service idea: Visit a farmer, rancher, shepherd, dog trainer, or neighbor with animals to learn about their animals. Consider arranging for the children to do some kind of service while there.
Encourage children to talk about how what they are learning can help them and others grow closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity and should last just a few minutes. You could ask questions like the following:
- How do you feel when you know that Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, created all animal life?
- How does learning about the variety of animal life on the earth help us become like Jesus Christ?
- Why did Heavenly Father create animals?