Old School Workout
Gospel Living

Grab a sweat band and dig out your neon!

10/04/21 | 1 min read
This workout is brought to you by the 1980s.

First things first: find some tubular ’80s tunes! Then do each exercise to the beat of the music.

  • Knees to chest (45 seconds)
    • Lift one knee to your chest while you hop on your other leg. Swing your arms up as you hop. Quickly alternate between legs.
  • Side toe taps (45 seconds)
    • Take a wide stance. Tap one big toe on the ground, then the other. Every time you tap your toe, clap your hands.
  • Alternating squats (45 seconds)
    • Step one leg forward, and then slowly squat down. Stand again, raising both hands above your head. Then repeat with the other leg.
  • Jog in place (45 seconds)
    • While you are jogging, punch your arms out in front of you.

Try cycling through all of these four times. Congrats on finishing your totally bodacious workout routine!

Ask Your Folks

What did your parents or grandparents do for exercise? Maybe you could add their stories to FamilySearch.
