Vocational Training in Rural India
Gospel Living

Activity: Repairing and Repurposing Clothing

10/23/19 | 1 min read


Learn to mend clothing and turn old clothes into something new and useful to build self-reliance.

Activity Suggestion

Invite children to bring a piece of clothing that needs simple mending. Invite children to bring an old shirt they can remake into a pillow or bag as well. A T-shirt works best, but other styles will also work. Be sure children ask parents for permission to cut and sew this shirt.

Consider the following ideas:

  1. Teach children basic sewing and mending skills like any of the following ideas: Help them learn how to sew on a button by hand. Practice different types of practical and decorative hand-sewing stitches. Practice mending holes in clothing with regular or decorative stitching or patches. If you are using a sewing machine, teach the children how to use the machine.
  2. By machine or hand, make a simple pillow from the T-shirt. Cut off the sleeves and neck, and sew closed the bottom of the shirt. If the shirt has buttons, sew closed the button band. Stuff the pillow with stuffing, plastic shopping bags, or fabric scraps, and sew closed the top of the shirt.
  3. Make a simple bag. Sew closed the bottom of the T-shirt. Cut off the sleeves and collar. Widen the neck if necessary. Sew a small edge around each sleeve and the neck to prevent them from fraying. The shoulders of the shirt are now the handles of the bag. If desired, children can decorate the bags with stitches, buttons, or markers.

Please adapt activities as necessary to ensure all individuals are able to participate, belong, and contribute.

Adaptation Ideas

  • Discuss how much it costs to purchase new clothing compared to how much it costs to repair clothing. Talk about how caring for your clothing and mending it when needed can help your family’s budget. Show basic techniques to properly care for your clothing.
  • Service idea: Consider making bags or pillows to donate to people in need. Children can write an encouraging message on the items they make.
  • Service idea: If you have sufficient resources and adult helpers, consider using old or damaged shirts, pants, or other items to make a quilt for someone in your ward or neighborhood. Consider asking local organizations or ward members to donate items they are not using.


Encourage children to talk about how what they are learning can help them and others grow closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity and should last just a few minutes. You could ask questions like the following:

    • How does developing self-reliance help us become more like Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?
    • How can we use the skills we develop to help others?


        Try this activity with your family, class, quorum, or friends.
