Families in Argentina: Woman in Wheelchair
Gospel Living

She lost her leg but kept her faith!

06/09/24 | 1 min read
Flavia, from Argentina, shares her story.

In this month’s magazine, we promised to share stories of youth who conquered hard times. Here’s the first one.

“This year, I lost my leg in a train accident. It happened when I chased someone who stole my phone. I’m not sure exactly what happened, but suddenly I was below the train, yelling for help. I woke up in the hospital a few days later. I learned that I had lost my right leg.

“During my time in the hospital I was very emotional, and I cried many times. But my family, friends, and Church family were always with me. They always helped me and distracted me.

Families in Argentina: Woman in Wheelchair

“I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ also helped me. Before a surgery, I always said a personal prayer that everything would be all right and that I wouldn’t be afraid. Every time I felt hopeless, the Lord was there!

Families in Argentina: Woman in Wheelchair

“I believe that my recovery is a miracle. I continue to get better and am striving to press forward. I know I can do all things through Christ.”

Wow, thanks for sharing, Flavia! We’ll share another story next week, so stay tuned.

Learning from Flavia

What’s a way you could follow Flavia’s example?
