Gospel Living

Why is going to Church important?

05/29/24 | 1 min read
A big part of the answer is the sacrament.

Before Jesus Christ died, He asked His followers to take the sacrament and remember Him.

That’s one of the reasons we go to Church! The bread and water symbolize the Savior’s body and blood. We eat and drink “in remembrance” of what He did for us.1

As we worthily partake of the sacrament, we make a covenant with God and renew the other covenants we made with Him during ordinances such as baptism.

Check out this video. How would you explain the sacrament to someone who didn’t know what it is?

To Think About

We should especially try to think of Christ during the sacrament. What can you do to make it a more meaningful experience?

1. Did you know that a version of the sacramental prayers are in the Book of Mormon? See Moroni 4:3 and 5:2.
