June 1983

“Contents,” Ensign, June 1983, 1


June 1983

Volume 13 Number 6

On the cover: Photography by Eldon K. Linschoten.

Inside front cover: Together, by Annette Shurtliff Trunnell, oil on canvas, 24″ by 36″

Inside back cover: The Institutions of Man. Photography and commentary by Anselm Spring of Landsberg, Germany

“This photograph portrays for me a very powerful truth regarding the institutions of man—that is, the learning, society, culture, and life-style of mortal man. The photograph shows some of modern man’s cultural monuments that suggest his so-called riches and power.

Sadly, however, that which man so often sees as gold soon vanishes away, and that which appears bright to his eyes in a moment of time often appears drab and ordinary when greater light appears. In this photograph, we see the suggestion that the modern world is shrouded in a darkness of misunderstanding and is draped in its own false gold and momentary brightness. Yet, the sun in the photograph—as the symbol of true heavenly light—is beginning to enlighten some things with the promise of greater light to come. Thankfully, we are able to distinguish eternal realities in our darkened world in the same way, because of the light that we do have, the gospel light that has broken forth to bless mankind in these latter days.”

Back cover: “The priesthood home teaching program can become a huge umbrella under which all members of the Church may huddle for protection from the storms of adversity.”—President Spencer W. Kimball
