undefined undefined Church Aids Three Distressed Nations
Church Aids Three Distressed Nations
June 1983

“Church Aids Three Distressed Nations,” Ensign, June 1983, 77

Church Aids Three Distressed Nations

The compassion and generosity of Church members has made possible shipment of food and medical supplies to Ghana and building materials to Colombia and Tahiti, according to Welfare Services personnel.

Approximately fifty tons of food and essential medical supplies have been shipped to Ghana, where, since the recent return of more than a million Ghanaians from Nigeria, there has been a severe food shortage.

“The Nigerian government recently cancelled the visas of all non-Nigerians in the country,” said Glenn L. Pace, managing director of Welfare Services. “This has resulted in the return of about 1.2 million citizens of Ghana to their homeland. An already existing food shortage in Ghana has thus become even more critical.”

Building materials going to Colombia and Tahiti are in response to requests from Church leaders in those countries recently hit by an earthquake and hurricanes, respectively.

“A number of private dwellings were either destroyed or extensively damaged,” Brother Pace said. “Once all available local building materials were utilized, the Church leaders in Tahiti and Colombia asked for assistance.”

He added that all supplies and materials being sent to the three countries are paid for from funds supported by free-will offerings of Church members. Volunteer labor for home repairs is being provided by Church members in the two countries.

Food and medical supply shipments for Ghana were sent to New Orleans, where they were loaded aboard a ship leaving April 28 for the capital city of Accra.

The food products going to Ghana were packaged by volunteers from the three LDS stakes in Centerville, Utah. The shipment includes corn, beans, rice, salt, sugar, vegetable oil, and dry milk.

Some twenty-two tons of supplies will be distributed to the general public, Brother Pace said, with the balance going to those members of the Church who are in need. The upcoming harvest season in Ghana, starting in July, should help to further alleviate the food problems, he added.

There are approximately a thousand members of the Church in Ghana.