Lievde Ciety
June 1983

“Lievde Ciety,” Ensign, June 1983, 57

Lievde Ciety

My maternal grandparents came to this country as converts from Holland in 1912. Grandmother was so busy with her large family that she had little contact with the outside world. Consequently, she never mastered the language of her new country.

We grandchildren had many chuckles over her “broken English.” But one phrase stands out in my membory above all others. It was her name for the Relief Society. She called it the “Lievde Ciety.” Lievde is Dutch for “love.”

Can you think of a more appropriate name for this wonderful organization than the “Love Society”? Anne deMik Hutchins, Bloomington Hills, Utah

Photography by Eldon K. Linschoten
