Felipe Finds the Way
November 2022

“Felipe Finds the Way,” Friend, November 2022, 34–35

Pioneers in Every Land

Felipe Finds the Way

“Please help us find our way,” Felipe prayed.

Spread illustration of Felipe (age 10) and his mom walking through a jungle, late in the day. Felipe is pointing to palm trees above the jungle in the distance. The jungle scene continues across the whole spread. Seven spot illustrations: 1. Map of Philippines 2. A tarsier, an animal found in the Philippines 3. An Latter-Day Saint temple illustration 4. Felipe and his wife on their wedding day. Just the figures from waist-up, no background needed 5. Felipe as he holds up a fish that he has caught 6. Simple family chart showing Felipe and his wife, four children (2 boys, 2 girls), and 10 grandchildren (5 boys, 5 girls). 7. Felipe at about age 19 as a missionary.

Felipe knew it was getting late. The birds had stopped chirping, and the crickets were humming loudly. He and his mother had walked in the forest for more than two hours. But each path they took looked the same as the last. They were completely lost.

Felipe was getting really scared. How long could they survive in this jungle? He was only 10, after all. That wasn’t old enough to fight off a snake or wild boar! And what other scary creatures might be on the prowl after sunset? The thought sent chills up his spine.

Be brave, he told himself. He knew he had to be.

Felipe wished his dad were there. But he had died six months ago. Without him, things were tough for Felipe and his mom. They were out of money and food.

Felipe hoped they could get to his sister’s house on the other side of the mountain soon. She could give them some money to buy rice.

He said a prayer in his heart. “Father in Heaven, please help us find our way. Please.

Then a thought came to him: Look for the coconut trees. Felipe looked up. There, in the distance, was a grove of coconut trees. He could see them high above the rest of the jungle. Their palm leaves waved in the breeze. For the first time in hours, Felipe felt hope.

“Look!” He pointed to the trees.

His mother understood. Coconut trees meant a village was close. God had answered Felipe’s prayer. Felipe took his mother’s hand. Together they walked to safety as the sun dipped below the trees.

Felipe always remembered how God answered his prayer. Sometimes he wished he could hear God’s voice better like he did that night in the jungle.

Then one day, eight years later, Felipe met some missionaries. They were from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They taught him about living prophets, who spoke God’s words. This was just what Felipe had hoped for!

Felipe was excited to join the Church. He became one of the first missionaries from the Philippines to share the gospel there. Again, God had shown Felipe where to go—and Felipe knew God always would.

The Philippines has more than 7,600 islands!

The country is home to 70% of the world’s plant and animal species.

Soon the Philippines will have eight temples.

Felipe and his wife saved money for a year so they could travel to the temple to be sealed.

Felipe loves to fish.

Felipe and his wife, Cora, have 4 children and 10 grandchildren.

story PDF

Illustrations by Jomike Teijido
