Meet Carmen from Lebanon
November 2022

“Meet Carmen from Lebanon,” Friend, November 2022, 20–21

Helping Hands around the World

Meet Carmen from Lebanon

Meet Primary children helping others, like Jesus did.

A young girl named Carmen Ahmad stands outside and smiles.

All about Carmen

Carmen Ahmad with her three older siblings.

Age: 8

From: Syria but now living in Lebanon

Languages: Arabic, English

Goals and dreams: 1) Visit the temple. 2) Become an artist. 3) Serve a mission.

Family: Carmen has two older sisters and an older brother.

Carmen’s Helping Hands

Carmen Ahmad smiles with a box full of supplies.

Carmen and her mom live in Lebanon, but they used to live in Syria. Their neighbors are from Syria too. Last December, Carmen wanted to do something kind for them. Each day until Christmas, Carmen bought one small thing from the store. She put them all in a box. After 25 days, the box was full. On Christmas Day, Carmen took the box to her neighbors. They were so grateful! Carmen says her service helped her remember the service Jesus Christ gave. “When we show love to others,” Carmen says, “we feel God’s love.”

Carmen’s Favorites

Place: The beach

Story about Jesus: When Jesus walked on water

Primary song: “My Heavenly Father Loves Me” (Children’s Songbook, 228–29)

Food: Noodles, ice-cream sundaes

Color: Light purple

Subject in school: Science

story PDF

Illustrations by Svetla Radivoeva
