Hvordan kan jeg hjælpe alle til at føle sig velkomne?
November 2022

Svar fra en apostel

Hvordan kan jeg hjælpe alle til at føle sig velkomne?

Tilpasset fra »Plads i herberget«, Liahona, maj 2021, s. 24-27.

Spot 1: A boy of African descent thinking with a thought bubble coming out from the side of his head. Spot 2: A Hispanic girl pointing to her smile. Spot 3: A name tag – no type on it. Spot 4: Two Caucasian boys sitting on a bench together with backpacks on.

Tænk over, hvordan I ville have det, hvis I var i deres sted.

Spot 1: A boy of African descent thinking with a thought bubble coming out from the side of his head. Spot 2: A Hispanic girl pointing to her smile. Spot 3: A name tag – no type on it. Spot 4: Two Caucasian boys sitting on a bench together with backpacks on.

Giv et smil.

Spot 1: A boy of African descent thinking with a thought bubble coming out from the side of his head. Spot 2: A Hispanic girl pointing to her smile. Spot 3: A name tag – no type on it. Spot 4: Two Caucasian boys sitting on a bench together with backpacks on.

Lær navnene på nye personer.

Spot 1: A boy of African descent thinking with a thought bubble coming out from the side of his head. Spot 2: A Hispanic girl pointing to her smile. Spot 3: A name tag – no type on it. Spot 4: Two Caucasian boys sitting on a bench together with backpacks on.

Sid sammen med dem, der sidder alene.

Illustrationer: Julissa Mora
