Matt and Mandy
November 2022

“Matt and Mandy,” Friend, November 2022, 32

Matt and Mandy

9 panel illustration of Matt and Mandy having a discussion about something that Mandy is writing about.

Hi, sis. What are you doing?

Adding to my blessings list.

9 panel illustration of Matt and Mandy having a discussion about something that Mandy is writing about.

What’s that?

9 panel illustration of Matt and Mandy having a discussion about something that Mandy is writing about.

It’s a list I’m making of all the things I’m thankful for.

Right now I’m writing down all the people who have blessed my life.

9 panel illustration of Matt and Mandy having a discussion about something that Mandy is writing about.

Like your super-funny brother?

9 panel illustration of Matt and Mandy having a discussion about something that Mandy is writing about.

Yeah! And Mom and Dad. And the missionaries who taught our family.

9 panel illustration of Matt and Mandy having a discussion about something that Mandy is writing about.

Doctors, like the one who fixed my broken arm. And nurses. And nice teachers. And …

9 panel illustration of Matt and Mandy having a discussion about something that Mandy is writing about.

You know what? We don’t have enough paper for your list.

And my pen is running out of ink!

Illustrations by Matt Sweeney
