Matt og Mandy
December 2022

Matt og Mandy

Panel 1 6 panel illustration of Matt and Mandy for the Christmas season. Matt and Mandy have a discussion while looking at a Christmas Card with a Nativity scene on it.

Matt og Mandy har fået et julekort fra deres venner Margo og Paolo.

»Kære Matt og Mandy, gæt engang! Vi bor i Brasilien igen!«

Panel 2 6 panel illustration of Matt and Mandy for the Christmas season. Matt and Mandy have a discussion while looking at a Christmas Card with a Nativity scene on it.

»Vi savner at rejse rundt i verden, men vi er glade for at være hjemme igen. Og vi lover at fortælle om alle vores eventyr. Glædelig jul!«

Panel 3 6 panel illustration of Matt and Mandy for the Christmas season. Matt and Mandy have a discussion while looking at a Christmas Card with a Nativity scene on it.

Jeg glæder mig til at høre om Brasilien!

Ih se, der er noget mere her.

Panel 4 6 panel illustration of Matt and Mandy for the Christmas season. Matt and Mandy have a discussion while looking at a Christmas Card with a Nativity scene on it.

En papegøje?

Der er en seddel på bagsiden – »Kiwi, vores nye kæledyr, siger hej!« Sejt!

Panel 5 6 panel illustration of Matt and Mandy for the Christmas season. Matt and Mandy have a discussion while looking at a Christmas Card with a Nativity scene on it.

Det lyder som om, at Margo og Paolo vil at have en masse sjove ting at fortælle om! Vi er taknemmelige for venner som dem – og jer.

Og vi er især taknemmelige for Jesus Kristus, der er den bedste ven for os alle!

Panel 6 6 panel illustration of Matt and Mandy for the Christmas season. Matt and Mandy have a discussion while looking at a Christmas Card with a Nativity scene on it.

Glædelig jul til alle!

Med kærlig hilsen fra jeres venner, Matt og Mandy

Illustrationer: Matt Sweeney
