Hvorfor kalder vi Jesus Kristus for Frelseren?
December 2022

Svar fra en apostel

Hvorfor kalder vi Jesus Kristus for Frelseren?

Tilpasset fra »Jesus Kristus: Vores omsorgsgiver«, Liahona, maj 2021, s. 82-84.

Panel 1 Four spot illustrations. 1. A nativity scene 2. A scene where one girl broke someone’s toy and is saying sorry to her grandmother. 3. Scene of the resurrected Jesus standing outside the tomb. 4. Scene of Jesus with children.

Jesus blev udvalgt til at frelse os, før verden blev skabt.

Panel 2 Four spot illustrations. 1. A nativity scene 2. A scene where one girl broke someone’s toy and is saying sorry to her grandmother. 3. Scene of the resurrected Jesus standing outside the tomb. 4. Scene of Jesus with children.

Han gjorde det muligt for os at omvende os og blive tilgivet.

Panel 3 Four spot illustrations. 1. A nativity scene 2. A scene where one girl broke someone’s toy and is saying sorry to her grandmother. 3. Scene of the resurrected Jesus standing outside the tomb. 4. Scene of Jesus with children.

Fordi han døde for os og lever igen, vil vi leve igen.

Panel 4 Four spot illustrations. 1. A nativity scene 2. A scene where one girl broke someone’s toy and is saying sorry to her grandmother. 3. Scene of the resurrected Jesus standing outside the tomb. 4. Scene of Jesus with children.

Frelseren Jesus Kristus trøster, styrker, hjælper og helbreder os.

Illustrationer: Rosalie Ledezma
