Ich kann mich für andere einsetzen
Februar 2023

Ich kann mich für andere einsetzen

Ich kann andere wahrnehmen

Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus. 1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair. Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

Ein Mann namens Zachäus wollte Jesus sehen. Er war klein, also kletterte er auf einen Baum, um besser sehen zu können. Zachäus war ziemlich unbeliebt. Aber Jesus war es egal, was die anderen dachten. Er nahm Zachäus wahr und fragte ihn, ob er ihn besuchen dürfe (siehe Lukas 19:2-10).

Wenn jemand allein ist, kann ich auf ihn zugehen und freundlich sein.

Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus. 1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair. Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

Ich schließe niemanden aus

Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus. 1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair. Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

Einige Kinder wollten Jesus sehen. Seine Jünger wollten sie fortschicken. Aber Jesus sagte: „Lasst die Kinder zu mir kommen.“ (Markus 10:14.) Er segnete sie und verbrachte Zeit mit ihnen.

Wenn sich jemand ausgeschlossen fühlt, kann ich mit ihm Zeit verbringen.

Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus. 1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair. Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

Ich kann andere verteidigen

Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus. 1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair. Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

Eines Abends brachte eine Frau Jesus ein Gefäß mit Öl. Einige hielten dies für eine Verschwendung. Jesus aber sagte: „Warum lasst ihr sie nicht in Ruhe?“ (Markus 14:6.) Er sagte, sie habe etwas Gutes getan.

Wenn jemand unfreundlich behandelt wird, kann ich etwas Nettes sagen.

Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus. 1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair. Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

Illustrationen von Guy Francis
