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Helmikuu 2023

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Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus.  1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair.  Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

Mies nimeltä Sakkeus halusi nähdä Jeesuksen. Hän oli lyhyt, joten hän kiipesi puuhun nähdäkseen paremmin. Useimmat ihmiset eivät pitäneet Sakkeuksesta. Jeesus ei kuitenkaan välittänyt siitä, mitä ihmiset ajattelivat. Hän huomasi Sakkeuksen ja pyysi saada käydä hänen kotonaan. (Katso Luukas 19:2–10.)

Kun joku on yksin, voin mennä hänen luokseen ja olla hänelle ystävällinen.

Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus.  1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair.  Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

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Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus.  1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair.  Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

Joukko lapsia tuli katsomaan Jeesusta. Opetuslapset halusivat lähettää heidät pois. Jeesus kuitenkin sanoi: ”Sallikaa lasten tulla minun luokseni” (Markus 10:14). Hän siunasi heitä ja vietti aikaa heidän kanssaan.

Kun joku jää ulkopuolelle, voin ehdottaa hänelle, että teemme jotakin yhdessä.

Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus.  1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair.  Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

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Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus.  1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair.  Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

Eräänä iltana eräs nainen toi Jeesukselle lahjaksi öljyä. Toiset sanoivat, että se oli haaskausta. Jeesus sanoi kuitenkin: ”Antakaa hänen olla” (Markus 14:6). Hän selitti, että nainen oli tehnyt hyvän teon.

Kun muut sanovat jostakusta toisesta ilkeitä asioita, minä voin sanoa jotakin ystävällistä.

Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus.  1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair.  Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

Kuvitus Guy Francis