Mitä evankeliumi opettaa rakkaudesta?
Helmikuu 2023

Vastauksia apostolilta

Mitä evankeliumi opettaa rakkaudesta?

Mukailtu puheesta ”Suurin omaisuus”, Liahona, marraskuu 2021, sivut 8–10.

Check out the pdf and read the story. 1. Heart with rainbow and clouds. 2. Young boy (6 yrs old) praying with parents (African family). 3. Young girl (8 yrs old) being baptized (Asian). 4. Three children, who are under 10, happy and are friends.

Jumala rakastaa meitä koko sydämestään.

Check out the pdf and read the story. 1. Heart with rainbow and clouds. 2. Young boy (6 yrs old) praying with parents (African family). 3. Young girl (8 yrs old) being baptized (Asian). 4. Three children, who are under 10, happy and are friends.

Hän haluaa, että me rakastamme Häntä koko sydämestämme.

Check out the pdf and read the story. 1. Heart with rainbow and clouds. 2. Young boy (6 yrs old) praying with parents (African family). 3. Young girl (8 yrs old) being baptized (Asian). 4. Three children, who are under 10, happy and are friends.

Me osoitamme rakastavamme Jumalaa seuraamalla Jeesusta Kristusta.

Check out the pdf and read the story. 1. Heart with rainbow and clouds. 2. Young boy (6 yrs old) praying with parents (African family). 3. Young girl (8 yrs old) being baptized (Asian). 4. Three children, who are under 10, happy and are friends.

Hän auttaa meitä löytämään tapoja olla ystävällisiä muille.

Kuvitus Katherine Blackmore