Margo ja Paolo
Helmikuu 2023

Margo ja Paolo

Panel 1: Margo and Paolo in their bedroom. Paolo is sitting on the bottom bunk, looking a little sad, while Margo sits nearby, putting on her shoes. They’re both in Sunday clothes and Margo has Kiwi on her shoulder. Panel 2: Margo sits down next to Paolo. Panel 3: Margo: "And no matter where we are, Primary is the same! We always learn about Jesus. And sing the same songs." Panel 4: Kiwi flaps her wings. Margo and Paolo are laughing. Panel 5: Margo and Paolo stand. Paolo looks a lot more confident/comfortable. Panel 6: Margo and Paolo walking into a Primary room. Margo is waving confidently and Paolo looks a little shy but is smiling and waving too. The other kids look excited and the teacher is smiling warmly. There’s a picture of Jesus hanging up on the wall.
Panel 1: Margo and Paolo in their bedroom. Paolo is sitting on the bottom bunk, looking a little sad, while Margo sits nearby, putting on her shoes. They’re both in Sunday clothes and Margo has Kiwi on her shoulder. Panel 2: Margo sits down next to Paolo. Panel 3: Margo: "And no matter where we are, Primary is the same! We always learn about Jesus. And sing the same songs." Panel 4: Kiwi flaps her wings. Margo and Paolo are laughing. Panel 5: Margo and Paolo stand. Paolo looks a lot more confident/comfortable. Panel 6: Margo and Paolo walking into a Primary room. Margo is waving confidently and Paolo looks a little shy but is smiling and waving too. The other kids look excited and the teacher is smiling warmly. There’s a picture of Jesus hanging up on the wall.

Mikä hätänä? Eikö sinusta ole kiva tutustua uuteen Alkeisyhdistyksen luokkaamme?

Minua taitaa vain vähän jännittää.

Panel 1: Margo and Paolo in their bedroom. Paolo is sitting on the bottom bunk, looking a little sad, while Margo sits nearby, putting on her shoes. They’re both in Sunday clothes and Margo has Kiwi on her shoulder. Panel 2: Margo sits down next to Paolo. Panel 3: Margo: "And no matter where we are, Primary is the same! We always learn about Jesus. And sing the same songs." Panel 4: Kiwi flaps her wings. Margo and Paolo are laughing. Panel 5: Margo and Paolo stand. Paolo looks a lot more confident/comfortable. Panel 6: Margo and Paolo walking into a Primary room. Margo is waving confidently and Paolo looks a little shy but is smiling and waving too. The other kids look excited and the teacher is smiling warmly. There’s a picture of Jesus hanging up on the wall.

Tiedän, että olemme tehneet tämän jo monta kertaa, mutta on aina vaikeaa olla uusi oppilas.

Mutta olimmepa missä tahansa, me laulamme samoja lauluja ja opimme Jeesuksesta.

Panel 1: Margo and Paolo in their bedroom. Paolo is sitting on the bottom bunk, looking a little sad, while Margo sits nearby, putting on her shoes. They’re both in Sunday clothes and Margo has Kiwi on her shoulder. Panel 2: Margo sits down next to Paolo. Panel 3: Margo: "And no matter where we are, Primary is the same! We always learn about Jesus. And sing the same songs." Panel 4: Kiwi flaps her wings. Margo and Paolo are laughing. Panel 5: Margo and Paolo stand. Paolo looks a lot more confident/comfortable. Panel 6: Margo and Paolo walking into a Primary room. Margo is waving confidently and Paolo looks a little shy but is smiling and waving too. The other kids look excited and the teacher is smiling warmly. There’s a picture of Jesus hanging up on the wall.

Sitä paitsi minä olen maailman paras sisko. Autan sinua saamaan uusia ystäviä.

Panel 1: Margo and Paolo in their bedroom. Paolo is sitting on the bottom bunk, looking a little sad, while Margo sits nearby, putting on her shoes. They’re both in Sunday clothes and Margo has Kiwi on her shoulder. Panel 2: Margo sits down next to Paolo. Panel 3: Margo: "And no matter where we are, Primary is the same! We always learn about Jesus. And sing the same songs." Panel 4: Kiwi flaps her wings. Margo and Paolo are laughing. Panel 5: Margo and Paolo stand. Paolo looks a lot more confident/comfortable. Panel 6: Margo and Paolo walking into a Primary room. Margo is waving confidently and Paolo looks a little shy but is smiling and waving too. The other kids look excited and the teacher is smiling warmly. There’s a picture of Jesus hanging up on the wall.

Krääk! Uusia ystäviä!

Panel 1: Margo and Paolo in their bedroom. Paolo is sitting on the bottom bunk, looking a little sad, while Margo sits nearby, putting on her shoes. They’re both in Sunday clothes and Margo has Kiwi on her shoulder. Panel 2: Margo sits down next to Paolo. Panel 3: Margo: "And no matter where we are, Primary is the same! We always learn about Jesus. And sing the same songs." Panel 4: Kiwi flaps her wings. Margo and Paolo are laughing. Panel 5: Margo and Paolo stand. Paolo looks a lot more confident/comfortable. Panel 6: Margo and Paolo walking into a Primary room. Margo is waving confidently and Paolo looks a little shy but is smiling and waving too. The other kids look excited and the teacher is smiling warmly. There’s a picture of Jesus hanging up on the wall.

Kiwi on oikeassa! Saamme aina mahtavia ystäviä.

Panel 1: Margo and Paolo in their bedroom. Paolo is sitting on the bottom bunk, looking a little sad, while Margo sits nearby, putting on her shoes. They’re both in Sunday clothes and Margo has Kiwi on her shoulder. Panel 2: Margo sits down next to Paolo. Panel 3: Margo: "And no matter where we are, Primary is the same! We always learn about Jesus. And sing the same songs." Panel 4: Kiwi flaps her wings. Margo and Paolo are laughing. Panel 5: Margo and Paolo stand. Paolo looks a lot more confident/comfortable. Panel 6: Margo and Paolo walking into a Primary room. Margo is waving confidently and Paolo looks a little shy but is smiling and waving too. The other kids look excited and the teacher is smiling warmly. There’s a picture of Jesus hanging up on the wall.

Ja he odottavat meitä nyt! Oletko valmis tapaamaan heidät?

Olen valmis.

Panel 1: Margo and Paolo in their bedroom. Paolo is sitting on the bottom bunk, looking a little sad, while Margo sits nearby, putting on her shoes. They’re both in Sunday clothes and Margo has Kiwi on her shoulder. Panel 2: Margo sits down next to Paolo. Panel 3: Margo: "And no matter where we are, Primary is the same! We always learn about Jesus. And sing the same songs." Panel 4: Kiwi flaps her wings. Margo and Paolo are laughing. Panel 5: Margo and Paolo stand. Paolo looks a lot more confident/comfortable. Panel 6: Margo and Paolo walking into a Primary room. Margo is waving confidently and Paolo looks a little shy but is smiling and waving too. The other kids look excited and the teacher is smiling warmly. There’s a picture of Jesus hanging up on the wall.

Kuvitus Katie McDee
