Я могу заступаться за окружающих
Февраль 2023

Я могу заступаться за окружающих

Я могу замечать окружающих

Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus. 1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair. Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

Один человек по имени Закхей хотел увидеть Иисуса. Он был маленького роста и поэтому взобрался на дерево, чтобы лучше видеть. Большинство людей не любили Закхея. Но Иисус не беспокоился о том, что подумают люди. Он заметил Закхея и попросил разрешения навестить его дом. (См. от Луки 19:2–10.)

Когда кому-то одиноко, я могу протянуть им руку помощи и проявить доброту.

Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus. 1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair. Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

Я могу принимать окружающих

Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus. 1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair. Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

Однажды несколько детей пришли к Иисусу. Его ученики хотели их прогнать. Но Иисус сказал: «Пустите детей приходить ко Мне» (от Марка 10:14). Он благословил их и уделил им время.

Когда кто-то чувствует себя лишним, я могу пригласить его провести время со мной.

Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus. 1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair. Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

Я могу заступаться за окружающих

Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus. 1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair. Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

Однажды одна женщина принесла Иисусу в подарок масло. Другие люди сказали, что она неразумно тратит деньги. Но Иисус сказал: «Оставьте ее» (от Марка 14:6). Он сказал, что она совершила хороший поступок.

Когда окружающие говорят что-то плохое о другом человеке, я могу сказать о нем что-то доброе.

Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus. 1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair. Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

Рисунки Гая Фрэнсиса.
