Vad lär evangeliet om kärlek?
Februari 2023

Svar från en apostel

Vad lär evangeliet om kärlek?

Anpassat från ”Den dyrbaraste ägodelen”, Liahona, nov. 2021, s. 8–10.

Check out the pdf and read the story. 1. Heart with rainbow and clouds. 2. Young boy (6 yrs old) praying with parents (African family). 3. Young girl (8 yrs old) being baptized (Asian). 4. Three children, who are under 10, happy and are friends.

Gud älskar oss av hela sitt hjärta.

Check out the pdf and read the story. 1. Heart with rainbow and clouds. 2. Young boy (6 yrs old) praying with parents (African family). 3. Young girl (8 yrs old) being baptized (Asian). 4. Three children, who are under 10, happy and are friends.

Han vill att vi ska älska honom av hela vårt hjärta.

Check out the pdf and read the story. 1. Heart with rainbow and clouds. 2. Young boy (6 yrs old) praying with parents (African family). 3. Young girl (8 yrs old) being baptized (Asian). 4. Three children, who are under 10, happy and are friends.

Vi visar vår kärlek till Gud genom att följa Jesus Kristus.

Check out the pdf and read the story. 1. Heart with rainbow and clouds. 2. Young boy (6 yrs old) praying with parents (African family). 3. Young girl (8 yrs old) being baptized (Asian). 4. Three children, who are under 10, happy and are friends.

Han hjälper oss hitta sätt att vara vänliga mot andra.

Illustrationer: Katherine Blackmore

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