Ich fühl des Heilands Liebe
Oktober 2023

„Ich fühl des Heilands Liebe“, Unser Freund, Oktober 2023, Seite 10f.

Ich fühl des Heilands Liebe

Diese Geschichte spielt in den USA.

Singzeit! Lasst uns die Lieder für die Darbietung üben.

This is a story about a girl named McKenzie and her experience while singing "I Feel My Savior's Love" in primary. Panel 1: A Primary class with a chorister at the front of the class. Include Mackenzie among the Primary children. Highlight her in some way so the reader knows who the main character is. Panel 2: Mackenzie is raising her hand and leaning out of her seat. A few of the other children have their hands raised. Panel 3: A closeup of the chorister holding a data-poster with a picture of the Savior and a heart. Other images can be included that apply to the song. She points to the heart. A speech bubble with music notes points off screen to where the class is. Panel 4: Mackenzie in her seat with a thoughtful expression on her face. The text is in a thought bubble. Panel 5: The view is of the entire Primary class. Mackenzie and her class sing the next line from “I Feel My Savior’s Love.” The text is in a speech bubble from the whole class with music notes. Panel 6: Closeup of Mackenzie in her seat. She looks surprised and happy. She holds her hand over her heart. Panel 7: Mackenzie holds her mom’s hand as she skips out of Primary. Panel 8: A closeup of Mackenzie looking at her mom with a questioning look. Panel 9: Closeup of Mackenzie. She has an idea and looks excited.

In diesem Lied geht es um Jesus Christus. Wie könnt ihr so sein wie Jesus?

Ich werde bald getauft und er wurde auch getauft!

This is a story about a girl named McKenzie and her experience while singing "I Feel My Savior's Love" in primary. Panel 1: A Primary class with a chorister at the front of the class. Include Mackenzie among the Primary children. Highlight her in some way so the reader knows who the main character is. Panel 2: Mackenzie is raising her hand and leaning out of her seat. A few of the other children have their hands raised. Panel 3: A closeup of the chorister holding a data-poster with a picture of the Savior and a heart. Other images can be included that apply to the song. She points to the heart. A speech bubble with music notes points off screen to where the class is. Panel 4: Mackenzie in her seat with a thoughtful expression on her face. The text is in a thought bubble. Panel 5: The view is of the entire Primary class. Mackenzie and her class sing the next line from “I Feel My Savior’s Love.” The text is in a speech bubble from the whole class with music notes. Panel 6: Closeup of Mackenzie in her seat. She looks surprised and happy. She holds her hand over her heart. Panel 7: Mackenzie holds her mom’s hand as she skips out of Primary. Panel 8: A closeup of Mackenzie looking at her mom with a questioning look. Panel 9: Closeup of Mackenzie. She has an idea and looks excited.

Ich fühl, dass er mich liebt, wo immer ich auch hingeh.*

This is a story about a girl named McKenzie and her experience while singing "I Feel My Savior's Love" in primary. Panel 1: A Primary class with a chorister at the front of the class. Include Mackenzie among the Primary children. Highlight her in some way so the reader knows who the main character is. Panel 2: Mackenzie is raising her hand and leaning out of her seat. A few of the other children have their hands raised. Panel 3: A closeup of the chorister holding a data-poster with a picture of the Savior and a heart. Other images can be included that apply to the song. She points to the heart. A speech bubble with music notes points off screen to where the class is. Panel 4: Mackenzie in her seat with a thoughtful expression on her face. The text is in a thought bubble. Panel 5: The view is of the entire Primary class. Mackenzie and her class sing the next line from “I Feel My Savior’s Love.” The text is in a speech bubble from the whole class with music notes. Panel 6: Closeup of Mackenzie in her seat. She looks surprised and happy. She holds her hand over her heart. Panel 7: Mackenzie holds her mom’s hand as she skips out of Primary. Panel 8: A closeup of Mackenzie looking at her mom with a questioning look. Panel 9: Closeup of Mackenzie. She has an idea and looks excited.

Wie fühlt sich wohl die Liebe Jesu an?

This is a story about a girl named McKenzie and her experience while singing "I Feel My Savior's Love" in primary. Panel 1: A Primary class with a chorister at the front of the class. Include Mackenzie among the Primary children. Highlight her in some way so the reader knows who the main character is. Panel 2: Mackenzie is raising her hand and leaning out of her seat. A few of the other children have their hands raised. Panel 3: A closeup of the chorister holding a data-poster with a picture of the Savior and a heart. Other images can be included that apply to the song. She points to the heart. A speech bubble with music notes points off screen to where the class is. Panel 4: Mackenzie in her seat with a thoughtful expression on her face. The text is in a thought bubble. Panel 5: The view is of the entire Primary class. Mackenzie and her class sing the next line from “I Feel My Savior’s Love.” The text is in a speech bubble from the whole class with music notes. Panel 6: Closeup of Mackenzie in her seat. She looks surprised and happy. She holds her hand over her heart. Panel 7: Mackenzie holds her mom’s hand as she skips out of Primary. Panel 8: A closeup of Mackenzie looking at her mom with a questioning look. Panel 9: Closeup of Mackenzie. She has an idea and looks excited.

Sein Geist erwärmt mein Herz durch alles, was ich seh.

This is a story about a girl named McKenzie and her experience while singing "I Feel My Savior's Love" in primary. Panel 1: A Primary class with a chorister at the front of the class. Include Mackenzie among the Primary children. Highlight her in some way so the reader knows who the main character is. Panel 2: Mackenzie is raising her hand and leaning out of her seat. A few of the other children have their hands raised. Panel 3: A closeup of the chorister holding a data-poster with a picture of the Savior and a heart. Other images can be included that apply to the song. She points to the heart. A speech bubble with music notes points off screen to where the class is. Panel 4: Mackenzie in her seat with a thoughtful expression on her face. The text is in a thought bubble. Panel 5: The view is of the entire Primary class. Mackenzie and her class sing the next line from “I Feel My Savior’s Love.” The text is in a speech bubble from the whole class with music notes. Panel 6: Closeup of Mackenzie in her seat. She looks surprised and happy. She holds her hand over her heart. Panel 7: Mackenzie holds her mom’s hand as she skips out of Primary. Panel 8: A closeup of Mackenzie looking at her mom with a questioning look. Panel 9: Closeup of Mackenzie. She has an idea and looks excited.
This is a story about a girl named McKenzie and her experience while singing "I Feel My Savior's Love" in primary. Panel 1: A Primary class with a chorister at the front of the class. Include Mackenzie among the Primary children. Highlight her in some way so the reader knows who the main character is. Panel 2: Mackenzie is raising her hand and leaning out of her seat. A few of the other children have their hands raised. Panel 3: A closeup of the chorister holding a data-poster with a picture of the Savior and a heart. Other images can be included that apply to the song. She points to the heart. A speech bubble with music notes points off screen to where the class is. Panel 4: Mackenzie in her seat with a thoughtful expression on her face. The text is in a thought bubble. Panel 5: The view is of the entire Primary class. Mackenzie and her class sing the next line from “I Feel My Savior’s Love.” The text is in a speech bubble from the whole class with music notes. Panel 6: Closeup of Mackenzie in her seat. She looks surprised and happy. She holds her hand over her heart. Panel 7: Mackenzie holds her mom’s hand as she skips out of Primary. Panel 8: A closeup of Mackenzie looking at her mom with a questioning look. Panel 9: Closeup of Mackenzie. She has an idea and looks excited.

Heute in der Singzeit hab ich gespürt, dass Jesus mich liebt. Ich spür es immer noch!

Und wie fühlt sich das an?

Ich hab einfach ganz viel Liebe in meinem Herzen!

This is a story about a girl named McKenzie and her experience while singing "I Feel My Savior's Love" in primary. Panel 1: A Primary class with a chorister at the front of the class. Include Mackenzie among the Primary children. Highlight her in some way so the reader knows who the main character is. Panel 2: Mackenzie is raising her hand and leaning out of her seat. A few of the other children have their hands raised. Panel 3: A closeup of the chorister holding a data-poster with a picture of the Savior and a heart. Other images can be included that apply to the song. She points to the heart. A speech bubble with music notes points off screen to where the class is. Panel 4: Mackenzie in her seat with a thoughtful expression on her face. The text is in a thought bubble. Panel 5: The view is of the entire Primary class. Mackenzie and her class sing the next line from “I Feel My Savior’s Love.” The text is in a speech bubble from the whole class with music notes. Panel 6: Closeup of Mackenzie in her seat. She looks surprised and happy. She holds her hand over her heart. Panel 7: Mackenzie holds her mom’s hand as she skips out of Primary. Panel 8: A closeup of Mackenzie looking at her mom with a questioning look. Panel 9: Closeup of Mackenzie. She has an idea and looks excited.

Woher kommt dieses Gefühl nur?

Es kommt vom Heiligen Geist!

This is a story about a girl named McKenzie and her experience while singing "I Feel My Savior's Love" in primary. Panel 1: A Primary class with a chorister at the front of the class. Include Mackenzie among the Primary children. Highlight her in some way so the reader knows who the main character is. Panel 2: Mackenzie is raising her hand and leaning out of her seat. A few of the other children have their hands raised. Panel 3: A closeup of the chorister holding a data-poster with a picture of the Savior and a heart. Other images can be included that apply to the song. She points to the heart. A speech bubble with music notes points off screen to where the class is. Panel 4: Mackenzie in her seat with a thoughtful expression on her face. The text is in a thought bubble. Panel 5: The view is of the entire Primary class. Mackenzie and her class sing the next line from “I Feel My Savior’s Love.” The text is in a speech bubble from the whole class with music notes. Panel 6: Closeup of Mackenzie in her seat. She looks surprised and happy. She holds her hand over her heart. Panel 7: Mackenzie holds her mom’s hand as she skips out of Primary. Panel 8: A closeup of Mackenzie looking at her mom with a questioning look. Panel 9: Closeup of Mackenzie. She has an idea and looks excited.
Geschichte (PDF)

Illustrationen von Norman Shurtliff

  • „Des Heilands Liebe“, Liederbuch für Kinder, Seite 42
